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RoadWarrior last won the day on November 9 2017

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About RoadWarrior

  • Birthday 01/09/1973

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    Online gaming, computers, contributing to a cheat-free gaming society.
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    Call of Duty 4
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  • Wish to Stream to PBBans?

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  1. Dude, wake up :/

  2. That was Squealer learning to drive, in his mom's car. ;) :P
  3. Sympathy is found between shit and syphilis in the dictionary.
  4. Nullify, eradicate, execute..... do those help?
  5. I stuck to my guns and didn't buy it. The cracked download for the SP was ok, but nothing stellar enough to write a letter home about. IW wants to line it's pockets, you see staff jumping ship, and they will likely lose more staff before the next COD is released. Better hope Treyarch are smart enough to release a decent PC version of it with dedi-files, or that entire series will be dead to PC-gamers everywhere. Here's to the next MOH!
  6. My issue has also ceased to exist. I'll stand firm, though, that if you intend to run a league that is associated with us, you still need to contact me, and then explain the process, as well. I would have perhaps responded different, had I been aware of it at all. To this date, no such information has been sent to me. How would I know to respond different? That being said, no issue. Just work with it. I'm sure we can find a peaceful resolve to it all. RW
  7. I would suggest we take this to pm, or irc. Our servers formerly owned by another clan can't be added to a new clan until removed by a former clan. Small glitch, I guess. Over-site, as it were. Would be something to implement. As far as the league aspect is concerned, you still need to contact me directly, not via forums, but PM, or IRC. RW
  8. We have protocols here. Your configs are apparently causing issues, and you're not a supported league? Perhaps send that message out to those who have installed them, and do so pronto. You can PM me directly, and I will pass on your information as a league that wants to use our services. If you want to also have your own streaming services directly, or a league configuration, then you can PM the league config requirements to MaYdaX directly, and he'll tell you if they will work. As of right now, they apparently are not. As of now, cease and decist on putting out those configs you're running, they're obviously not working! RW
  9. Why is he getting ucon errors if you're using the rep method?
  10. Would you like to provide us with a link directly to your group so we could check on this in the future and at least be able to trouble-shoot? It would be nothing more than a common-courtesy, and not asking to much. We don't step on other streaming services. We would like to be aware of them, in case of such issues in the future. Even if you've used ours in the past. RW
  11. pb_sv_ucontimeout 300 //default 90 not sure why anyone would set it to 300??? HUGE WTF????? pb_sv_uconmaxsendrate 16 // [speed at which PB Server sends pbcl and pbag updates in KBps (default=8)] Those would be the two issues I could see. I had the second one at 16, with no issues on my COD4 server, first one....that's a massive wait-time for anything relating to pb.
  12. Again, no PGL league supported here. If they have their own streaming issues, you'll have to take that up with them. The googling I've done thus far points to a PS3 Console league, nothing to do with PC gaming. Simple google, and it's not the same link posted above. Recommendations are still the same to fix the error. Add one ucon stream at a time, if you get errors, it's within the configs and needs both parties to become familiar with one another, as well as support one another, to fix it. At this time, you do not see any supported league that flies the PGL flag to us, and there's no known anti-cheat group that flies under it either, afaik. That's where the issue lies, and I'd lay it down to someone adding something that should not have been there in the first place. Most likely a clan-member who mis-understood something, but had access. Not a lay the blame game, just something to be sorted out, is all. RW
  13. First off, we don't support a PGL league group of any kind. I get a couple of hits via Google, but they're not for PC gaming. Google your error, no hits. You seem to be the only one. I'd remove any ucon stream commands from your personal configs that do not tie into sites you are actually streaming too at this time, and then simply restart punkbuster from your particular rcon tool. Incidently, I had an issue with people at one point within my clan using other admin tools that also use ucon, that thought they needed to stream their local IP directly to it, and were constantly adding their IP/port to the ucon configs. Much as I tried to explain that external tools such as rcon tools for admins don't need that, it kept happening and they kept adding them as fast as I could remove them. Hopefully that is not your case, as it will cause a fair number of errors. Rcon tools don't work the same way(even using ucon) as streaming does. A good example of this is Morkeye which uses ucon to run, if you run it from your local PC like I do(not server-sided) but it doesn't require me to stream the information directly to my PC with a seperate ucon IP address/port. I know there are other programs that do use ucon as well. Remember, if you keep adding ucon IP/Ports that you're not actually streaming proper information too, you will get errors.
  14. That would work perfectly. You just need to add a server monitor(see GameTracker) and a publicly viewable BFBC2 roster and that would technically do it.
  15. There are many free-forums out there to be had that will suffice for our requirements. Forums also give you a place to advertise your server and allow the general gaming community find you in one central location. The bulk of the free-forums sites you'll find include easy site building tools and so on.
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