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Everything posted by Chris64

  1. I'm not sure what you are trying to accomplish, is it punishing cheaters by not file-sharing with them? If so, it's an interesting thought, but I tend to doubt it will make much impact on anything. Just my $ .02.
  2. I'm late, but still -> Happy Independence Day! :smooth:
  3. I wouldn't go so far as to say they are heartless LOL, but as to your assessment as to how it will end, I'd bet money on that.
  4. afaik, pb_sv_badname is the only way to discriminate by name/tag. There is no ban feature by name, again, afaik.
  5. Hub Game: ET Clantag: [FAG] edited - read you can bypass this if your a team member so have 'attempted' to join that as well fwiw (if that makes a difference)
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