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Everything posted by Necromancer.
its a pb issue. PB cannot always retrive the GUID age of a certain player. a honest player can play for hours before the PB server will get his guid age. more-over, all players disconnect and reconnect to the PB server on map-change, so all their status is lost and needs to be retrived again, so a player that had a guid-age listed last map, might not have his guid-age listed now. PB obviously dropped the guid-age thingie, propobly because some1 might be able to manipulate the date or something.
had to turn off PB better to play with some cheaters then with no1 at all. hope you guys keep us updated on whats going on and when its resolved.
yeah we got it here too. like 2/3 of the players get booted for #9006, over and over again. i myself dont have a problem, but thats damn wierd. some of my admins get booted too, they say they didnt install anything resently. servers half-empty :(
ETpub 0.8.x has a g_spoofOptions cvar
IMO people have problems with 2.6 because they need to install patches and stuff (and the 2.60b is even worse). need to post a link for ET 2.60b FULL install everywhere. otherwise i cant see why players dont like 2.6, the mod is the same => the gameplay is the same. just less bugs and exploits.
etpub 0.8.x with omni 0.66 ran fine on my server. maybe its time to move to 2.60 <_<
ETpub 0.8.1 supports spree's, multikills and death spree's, all with sounds. check the documintation for settings.cfg (after the shurbbot documintation). i wouldnt recommand runing the nightly ETpub 0.9.x, last time i tried it was full for bugs, not sure if its memmory leaks, but the cvars were resetting to defaults every round and stuff.
there is a cvar for that: pb_sv_CvarFreq 6 //[# of range checks per minute] and you got around 650 cvars in the confing, so itll take about a hour an a half to scan each machine for all cvars. but you dont scan all the cvars do you?! and it doesnt metter, because i dont think some1 will be fooling with the pb cvar check, you never know what cvar its going to scan next, you might be kicked.
eeehm, TCE is a total conversion of ET. there is no arty and no medics. its something like CS. but yes, it depedns what you mean by "tweaking" the game. i cant play with the wide-screen for example, i set it back to 3:4. and btw, if i remember correctly, there arent too many things you can change and tweak in TCE, it mostly says "cheat protected"
i have coded stuff into ETadmin_mod myself, and i must say its one of the biggest coding mess i have ever seen... anyway, could you at least post what functionality does it add to the ETadmin_mod?
i myself didnt have any problems... as i allowed PB at the firewall. the new update has upgrated the PB software to BF2142/ETQW style. no more PB starts from in-game, game spacific. they changed it because of the Vista windows premission problems. now, there are 2 servicies that have to be ran, PnkBstrA.exe and PnkBstrB.exe PnkBstrA has to run all the time on your system, even when youre not playing games. while not playing, its in a "sleep mode" and waits for PB supported game to launch. when you start a PB supported game, the PnkBstrA will fire up PnkBstrB, and thats the service thats doin all the PB checks. so you have to allow PnkBstrA.exe and PnkBstrB.exe on your machine thrue programs like anti-virus, firewall, anti-spyware or others alike that can block them.
im for the 2.60b as well, more secure, less crashes... everyone happy.
does anyone knows what cvar/ combination of cvars can cause ET to look like this? or any other reason that can cause it...
i also think its a glitch, pb is far from perfect. ive once saw pbss that got the players desktop picture :blink: (it would seem like here, but a desktop pic cannot move/change) i would seggest to take a demo or somthing if the player behaving suspeciusly.
its a cvar of a hack. they say its not 100% correct propobly because he could download a config off the internet that had this cvar in it.
we all know how itll end, EvenBalance are heartless, if you got pb violation, a pb violation for a hack... youre pretty much doomed. theres always a super ultra mega small chance they'll lift it, but i doubt it.
im not using any special scripts either... only binds that do /!listplayers and stuff, to get my admin work alittle easier... i have my sensetivity on 10.5, i dont need a 180 turn script, i can do a 360 turn alot faster :)
ive seen people appeal for a ban (by cvar) saying they downloaded the .cfg from the net, IMO honest users shouldnt have anything connected to hax on their machine and config. if you download a .cfg, you propobly know whats a .cfg, what does it do, what it contains, and you should check its clean or risk being banned. btw, is there still servers runing bobots? id like to check it, ive heard the bots doesnt use waypoints and lines to move...
ah, woops...didnt notice that, thanks. * eh, how do i cancel the rcon stream now?
okie sweet, posted, umm.. it says hub streaming is better, but i only got rcon, so ive setup the rcon (old) method, ill still be able to use your cool toys right?
rep: hub game: RTCW - Enemy Territory clantag: i dont have a clan... its pub server.
aright aright you convinced me, now, lets say i did those 7 rcon lines (its ssh access, so rcon would be easier), were i get the SGA stats from? that guide said to post somewhere, but the link is broken.
yes, ofcorse its a hack.... it manipulates the video driver so itll print diffrent stuff on the screen (wallhack)...
i just want to know how effective it is, i tought PsB was good too, at first, when pb got most of the bans, but as it turned in useless, ive stopped straming to them, and not because of the lag or anything, it was just useless. im playing et about 4 years, with 1 nick -> Necromancer ( [uSEF]Necromancer ) you are welcome to check it... i had diffrent GUIDs cus i reinstalled et, and got a new PC in the proccess, but ive never used hacks in any game...exept a trainer once in HomeWorld, but c'mon, you cant finish the game without it... just wanted to know how it ends...which i didnt got to see, cus the game was too old for XP and kept crashing pfffffff