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Everything posted by Crazy56

  1. Well I can most definitely rule out a bad internet connection. I am running FIOS 20mb/10mb. I was not having this issue until the 1.4 patch. Also, this has absolutely nothing to do with PB, but I believe it's a Master Server issue. The reason I feel it has nothing to do with PB is because you don't even get logged into the server, nor are you kicked from a server. The message simply states the Server Disconnected.
  2. I understand that Rodeo, but the demo was taken prior to him streaming his servers.
  3. All you do is hit your tilde key (~) and type in /reconnect then hit enter and you will go right back into the server you were trying to get in to.
  4. Why do you not support stock file scans? I have seen some aimbots get embedded into the iw3mp.exe file. I have also seen people with changed or corrupted iw_01.iwd files.
  5. This has been a rather large issue with alot of server admins. One fix that is going around is shut your server down for 30-40 minutes and restart it. That has fixed alot of the servers not showing up, including mine.
  6. Hey NANO, yes please share the demo with us. If I see it being a cheat, I will also gladly locally ban him from my servers as well. So, if you could, please either post the demo here and PM me his GUID, or send both via PM please.
  7. That's not necessarily true. I know of one cracked server that definitely does show up on the Master Server List. I got them shut down once, by sending their info to IW. But they simply went to another server company. I resent their server info to IW again, but their server still remains up and running. And the last time I checked, the server was showing up on the Master Server List. They even boast about it being a "Cracked" server in their server name.
  8. I have the issue that it tells me "Server Disconnected" when I first launch my game and go into the first server, or I connect to a server running any type of mods (Xfire mod or PAM4, etc etc etc). I type "reconnect" in console and then usually don't have the problem again. This issue also started when I patched to 1.4. So hopefully they fix it with the next patch.
  9. Nano, what is the IP of your server you have set up? You can also check to see if it's streaming here: http://www.pbbans.com/msi.php
  10. Maze, streaming to PsB and PBBans is definitely the way to go. The demo you submitted wasn't recorded by the PsB Demo Recorder, so they won't issue a ban on it either.
  11. The HLSW beta doesn't support COD4 as of yet. At least the game isn't listed in the games list when you click on the settings. I had to use the vCOD game and then use the COD4 .exe file in order to be able to start my game directly from HLSW.
  12. If you still know the name of the hack, you can send that information to PunkBuster directly too. Their email address for this type of thing is: [email protected]
  13. If I can recall correctly #9002 is an MD5 tool mismatch. Which file is it saying they are being kicked for? They may have a corrupted file or could have installed a cheat. It's pretty hard to tell the difference. You may wish to tell the player to repair his corrupted file. If he refuses to do so, then he is probably trying to cheat.
  14. Also, forward your links to [email protected] (PunkBuster)
  15. What is the EXACT PB reason for you getting kicked? You need to supply as much accurate information as possible before anybody can help. Accurate info includes your O/S, Video card, driver version, etc.
  16. Tag: |S2N| Name: Second 2 None website: http://www.s2nclan.com game: COD2 Server 1: Server 2: Server 3: Want to stream PBbans? : Yes I have already installed the necessary files and added the correct command to my pbsv.cfg file and everything appears to be working.
  17. Game Server IP: For The PBBans Hub Game Server Type: COD2 Clan Tag: |S2N|
  18. Game Server IP: For The PBBans Hub Game Server Type: COD2 Clan Tag: |S2N|
  19. Game Server IP: For The PBBans Hub Game Server Type: COD2 Clan Tag: |S2N|
  20. Your post title should say "Of Interest To European COD2 Clans"
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