I have recently come back to BF2. I need to get a little help setting up a good more popular maprotation that wont loose people as bad as I get now. This is what I am currantly running. I just dont know what maps are more popular right now
gulf_of_oman gpm_cq 64
dalian_plant gpm_cq 32
dragon_valley gpm_cq 64
road_to_jalalabad gpm_cq 32
sharqi_peninsula gpm_cq 64
songhua_stalemate gpm_cq 32
strike_at_karkand gpm_cq 64
zatar_wetlands gpm_cq 32
wake_island_2007 gpm_cq 64
mashtuur_city gpm_cq 32
kubra_dam gpm_cq 64
fushe_pass gpm_cq 32
daqing_oilfields gpm_cq 64
Any help and/or suggestions would help
We wouldn't stream to yall if yall wernt so helpfull and the fact that yalls service is so easy to setup and use. I will allways stream here becousee of those reasons.
oh, I do have PHP 5, if you go to http://www.gunslingerclan.com/hackbuster/shame.php it works, but if you go to
http://www.gunslingerclan.com/hackbuster/index.php it doesn't
This is what the maprotation you are looking for(or at least posted) should look like
set sv_mapRotation "gametype war mp_backlot map mp_bog map mp_countdown map mp_citystreets gametype dm map mp_crash map mp_citystreets map mp_killhouse map mp_cargoship "
set sv_maprotationcurrent ""
I tested it and this works fine
he can ONLY be banned for acual cheating, they would have to either stream to pbbans/puksbusted and one of those stes violations cought them or an acual evenbalance check cought him. Either way, if someone is banned using PB, only true cheaters are put on the master ban list