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Everything posted by evilzombie
ETL is happy to announce the opening of the Call of Duty 5v5 S&D promod League. For our inaugural season we're really just looking for about 8 teams for an 8 weeks season (not including playoffs) to get our feet wet. We already have 3 teams signed so were looking for 5 more. If we get more we may open a 2nd division. If you're team is looking for some extra comp give us a look. http://evilterritory.com/index.php?l=5&s=10
ETL is looking for a few responsible & trustworthy people interested in being a part of a growing league. With a major assist from PBBans & our zero tolerance policy we've managed to keep the cheaters out & we are growing very rapidly. We opened our doors back in February & now have over 800 registered users in Wolf ET alone. Up until now we have been solely a Wolf ET League but because of the success we've had with that, we are looking to expand. Recently we've opened & are seeking an admin or 2 for our COD4 league.We also have plans & are seeking admins for the following games... Counter Strike Source Team Fortress 2 Day of Defeat Americas Army Battlefield 2 Combat Arms Possibility of other games with the right people (originally we weren't gonna do Source games but have had a change of heart) Anybody interested must first understand this is strictly voluntary & we do what we do because we enjoy giving back to the community. If this sounds like something you'd like to be a part of & have some form of admin experience in the above mentioned games please contact me via.... Website: http://evilterritory.com Email: [email protected] Xfire: gdevol (username ETL|zOMBie) Steam: etlzombie ETL IRC: #evilterritory on QuakeNet I can be found idling in the #pbbans IRC channel or you can simply send me a pm me your contact info here.
Please understand that a screen shot of a icon is nothing to get your suspicions up over. Any icon can be changed for anything & just because you do not recognize it really doesn't mean anything. The fact that you are so adamant that there is something to this Icon leads me to believe that you are suspect of this player to begin with. If that is in fact the case why not set your server to stream? You'll have all the best tools to detect & combat those who do cheat & it really only takes a few minutes to setup. Something to consider
Icons are easily modifed
ETL|zOMBie wonders who ate all the cookies <_<
Are they sticking with the Quake engine for COD5?
I wasn't necessarily referring to you in that statement rather tons of kids I know who are guilty of doing that. I would try the one McBain posted. Less cvars to trip anything & serves the same function as the one you have.
Agreed If I had a penny for every time I've told somebody to stop downloading & running any.cfg I could send enough roses to Maydax to fill his house & my life's ambition would be complete :P
Yeah but it's a server command & pointless in a player config ;)
Why do you have a server cvar in there? seta sv_screenshake
Jaymod is highly configurable & often gets a bad rap cause most servers that run it, run it for all the extras & crank the noob dial to full. Jaymod can be setup to almost mirror etpro but you'll be hard pressed finding a server that has it setup that way. After reading that again I should rephrase.....most people that download .55 aren't aware of the patches. ;)
etpub is fun but...it's bloated & can be buggy.etpro runs much smoother but is minus all the bells & whistles of etpub which alot of people enjoy. It's all in what your into, if you like n00bin it up with your buddies & having a good time etpub can be alot of fun if the server is setup right.etpro servers tend to be used more for comp & frequented by comp players. If your looking to have a server with lots of visitors than your better off with etpub as 2.55 is much more available for download & many people don't know anything about patching up.
Good place to start.Best guide on the net.They're a little old but hey so is ET Server Guide http://www.rtcw.jolt.co.uk/content/enemy_t...uide/index.html Admin Guide http://www.rtcw.jolt.co.uk/content/enemy_t...dmin_guide.html Good Program to use for RCON noobs but I still use it :P http://returntocastlewolfenstein.filefront...le/RconIT;59086 Theres an lua mod for etpro called KMOD that I can get you a link for if the above doesn't help
This is for ET right? Which Mod etpro, etpub, jaymod, No Quarter?
Player model is in front of the wall. ;) If Im looking at the correct spot, through that door to the right is a set of stairs so if the model was being seen through the wall it would be higher up. Kakke is this your server? If so then that would explain the not streaming.... phttp://www.pbbans.com/mbi.php?action=12&guid=4219d826
Firebug could quite simply be the best add-on ever made.I use it daily.So many times I need to edit some code or have an error but cant quite put my finger on where it is, firebug makes simple work of it.Plus it references the style sheet which is extremely handy. If you do any kind of website related work firebug is a must.
Firefox pwns IE. Switched over a year ago & haven't looked back. I'll take any opportunity I can to get away from anything Bill Gates had his hands on. As far as add ons I've never had to manually install one.Found most everything I've ever needed right here https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/
We're the ones that owe you guys the Thank You. ;)
Try /pb_plist on a server
Yeah but that still takes you to the forums :P
While this may be true,fact of the matter is it's just common practice for players to share & download random configs.There are entire websites dedicated to offering player configs for download so simply telling players not to do it isn't really a viable option. I used to be a config junkie myself.I was always intrigued by all the different quake3 engine settings & in the end it really gave me a better understanding of it & how it works & was somewhat of a stepping stone for me to understanding server configs & being able to admin & maintain my clans servers.Still completely baffled on how I never maged to aquire a cvar ban myself. Hers an example of a well known & trusted ET website offering bad configs........shame.I won't post direct links to the bad configs but their there so beware http://enemy-territory.4players.de I guess the point I'm trying to make is I know what it's like to be ignorant & naive about these things & the vast majority of players out there are.I help people on a daily basis sort out their configs & settings.Many are just looking to ensure that they have the same edge as everyone else & are by no means attempting to cheat. I'm not entirely familiar with that terrible game ETQW (lol sorry but I hate it) but in ET wolf there really is only so much you can tweak with the user menu.There are vast majority of things you can adjust through a config that aren't available in the menu.
Something I've often thought about & I don't know if it's feasible or even something pbbans would be interested in offering .... It would be nice for players to have a tool where they could plug in any.cfg & it could scan it for known cheat cvars.I think this is something desperately needed,at least in the ET community where player configs get passed around like mad.Many legit players find themselves with a cvar ban listing here at pbbans just for not knowing what they've gotten a hold of.Many have no idea what one cvar is from the next. I know personally it's something I would use regularly as I have just begun to offer player configs & scripts for download from my ET resource site.Being an admin of a league that bans players for being caught with these cvars,it would be pretty unmoral of me to offer configs that may contain these cvars & then turn around & ban them for them so at the moment I have to scan all submitted configs manually before I make them available to the public.