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Everything posted by Big_Guy21

  1. You need to fill out an application for your clan/community: http://www.pbbans.com/streaming-application.html If accepted, you will then be able to stream your server to PBBans. Please make sure you have read all the requirements carefully. Mumble, teamspeak and xfire may get you a restriction kick on some servers, but should not get you a ban (its really up to evanbalance, not us). Not sure about GSC though.
  2. Wondering if this too good to be true? Thanks. Points 1 and 5 have never happened (and probably never will). Point 2 is a little misworded. Because BC2, MOH, and BF3 (soon) all use the same GUID, we have given the server admins who stream their servers here the option of enforcing a ban for any of the 3 games on one game. This only works for PBBans streaming servers, and the server admin has to enable it. 4. We do get cheats submitted to us pretty regularly. We then provided MD5 checks for certain parts of the cheat download and provide them for server admins to run on their server. We also forward cheats on to evenbalance so that the cheats can get researched and proper PB violations can be created.
  3. 1. You can give it to squinter or misswonderful and have them submit it here: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/demo-submission-area-submit-demos-here-f118.html 2. Have either user above add you to the team account: http://account.pbbans.com/user.php and then once approved by staff, you can submit demos to the link above.
  4. Yes, the only option you have is banning him from your servers. Without evidence in the forum of PBSS showing a cheat, or a punkbuster violation, the player will not be banned here. Foxdie was merely trying to point out what would happen if we banned people without any form of evidence to back up our bans and why we need that evidence.
  5. Sorry, but this is not the place for arguments with clans. It needs to be taken up with them on their forums. That being said, they are free to kick and ban from their servers as they please since they rent them. Nothing you can do about it. The ban will only be for the servers that are run by them.
  6. You need to be dealing with AON, not us. We can not help you here. http://www.airdaleops.com/ If what you say is true, and you know somebody else cheated with the cd-key you are using, you are better off just buying a new copy of the game and moving on.
  7. You are banned by AON. The server you were on is enforcing their bans using our hub. http://tools.airdaleops.com/details.aspx?guid=afeb0aaef9bb75d3c59829dd0853b50f&gametype=COD4
  8. Just put something similar in. If your application gets accepted, a staff member can change it later. Just make sure to put in the notes what your real clan tag is.
  9. Circles are caused by having the cursor tracking feature in windows active.
  10. Here are the facts that I see looking into this: GUID: 712619b7 Last seen using name BY0: Jun 08, 2009 at 3:55 pm IP seen while using that name: (origin UK) GUID: 8d68f6a4 Last seen using name BY0: Aug 10, 2009 at 3:11 pm IP seen while using that name: (origin sweden) GUID: b09be569 Seen: Aug 10, 2009 at 3:19 pm IP: (origin US) Seen: Jun 08, 2009 at 2:09 pm IP: (origin US) Based on this information, it is highly unlikely that the GUID/ban you are being accused of is actually you. The GUID 1d386780149dd4e434d60e69b209e022 is a leaked key and was seen with the name BY0 using an IP from sweden as above. Definitely not him. The GUIDs are not 'linked' to you at all. They do however show up if you do a search of your name. Based on the IP you are posting from, I only found the one GUID (b09be569) and could not get to any of the others through linked GUIDs (based on being seen on the same IP at one time or another).
  11. Your server is currently running with these flags set: Accept CVAR Bans | Accept MD5 Bans | Accept PB Bans | Announce New Bans | Enable Hub Bind Queries | Enforce Bans Enforce Bans is the option that will check each player as they join your server, and kick/ban them if they are on our ban list already. Note that this does not work if your server is not streaming. The 3 Accept Bans flags will add any bans that were added to our banlist after you started streaming, to your PBBans.dat file. More Hub Flag info: http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-hubguide.html#hubflags
  12. From our requirements: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/streaming-application-requirements-t82423.html Your server doesn't pass the first half of these requirements list. We blacklist any server when the server IP is on the MPi (aka someone is playing the game from that IP).
  13. You need to add the server to your account first: http://account.pbbans.com/server.php Once added, it will need approved by an admin, which should happen in less than an hour or two.
  14. You are not banned by us. Most likely this is a local ban/kick from the server and you will need to go talk to them about it. If you post the exact message from the kick, we can say for sure.
  15. All requirements can be found here: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/streaming-application-requirements-t82423.html We need to see a clan roster (list of just those members who wear your tags). It can be as simple as a pinned topic in your forums. When you apply again, put the link to the forums in the comments section. It would also help if you can put a link to the clan roster there as well.
  16. I have added you to the account as well. You should be able to add servers now.
  17. Server has been added to your account and is streaming.
  18. Is the server hosted at a datacenter?
  19. Well someone had to start. ;)
  20. I used to rent through wolfservers.com as well and I will second a lot of what SightUp has said. My clan rented a dedicated server starting in November 2008, which was at that time a top of the line system. We got a good deal, were able to install games as we needed, and had very few issues. At the time, wolfservers.com was independently owned and run by Rob Sutton aka GIJoe. In June of 2009, wolfservers.com was bought out by North American Game Technology (same group that owns Art of War Central). Before this, many of the support personal were people who also rented servers through wolfservers.com and gave support for a discount on server rental. This worked out great for them. Ticket responses were usually less than an hour, and very few issues went unresolved over 24 hours. After the buyout, I do believe many of those support personal left and were replaced by techs brought in by the new owner. Consequently response times went way down, as well as the number of solutions. Can't say how many times I would open a ticket with them for the same thing, just 2 hours after they had "fixed" the last one. We dropped the dedicated box and went with a single bf2 server and TS3. During that time of about 2 months, our server was down about every other day and required a support ticket to get it fixed (usually just a restart of some sort). Tickets often went unanswered over 12+ hours. Our TS3 server also somehow got the database corrupted and they never could fix that. Gave up and dropped everything at that point. A year and a half ago, I would have said hands down best provider out there, but now I would rate them probably in the bottom half of server providers.
  21. Check your port. 48888 is the rcon port. The default join port is 16567 or 19567. Your server has already been approved by staff.
  22. Using AHK will most likely get you kicked for Disallowed Program/Driver or could get you banned. You are going to want to ask evenbalance for specifc programs/scripts.
  23. You do not appear to be banned here. Can you post the exact message you get when you get kicked?
  24. I think you are a bit confused here. Evenbalance is the creator of the Punkbuster software. PBBans is a third party anti-cheat site, that compiles a ban list of those cheaters who are caught by the Punkbuster software. PBBans is free to use, and is run by volunteers.
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