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Everything posted by Big_Guy21

  1. Big_Guy21


    The server used to be hosted by a clan with a less than friendly website. You should be able to use that server in your team account application now as it has been removed from the blacklist.
  2. I am running pretty much the same setup as you (FF 3.6.10, and Win 7 64 bit), and have no issues with the toolbar. If you have older versions installed, uninstall those first, and then reinstall.
  3. Its probably adminmap. http://adminmap.bf2cc.com/info.html Last I checked it didn't work with PR, but that may have changed since its been a while.
  4. Well first of all, PBBans is not PB. Evenbalance is the creator of punkbuster. We just take their detections and put it into a ban list. Second, whether you know it or not, what you suggested above already happens to some extent with silent detections by evenbalance (hence why some cheat violations get 100+ bans in a day).
  5. The bf2cc (4711 or 4712) port is generally not the same as the RCON port. Ask your provider what the RCON port is.
  6. First of all, let me just throw out there that we only allow servers to stream to us that are hosted in a data center. See streaming requirements. Second, it is not possible to use DNS masks to set up streaming. The pb_sv_uconadd command only allows for IPs/subnets. As for changing the RCON port and password, a provider would probably be able to help you out more.
  7. We can not comment on the validity of the ban since it is not our check or ban. You should go ask Punksbusted. PS: 1 topic is more than enough...
  8. Your account has been set back to active.
  9. Big_Guy21


    Oh if we are basing this off knife kills, I win for most posted so far. :D I abused the knife so much before they nerfed it. Personally my favorite gun is the MG36. Oh buddy beware for me at long range.
  10. Big_Guy21


    As above, I don't play much anymore either. Took about a month off from playing and have only recently started playing with any consistency again.
  11. Ok, first, servers being added here use the join port (not the RCON port). So for your server, it would be 16567. I have gone ahead and added the server with the correct port to your account. Your server is streaming, and your forum status has been bumped up.
  12. Deleted PBRJohnnyCoffin and added onslick7 to the account.
  13. I am going to go with a guess of about 10 years until screenshots and BFBC2 work correctly. The issue has been around since before COD4 and it hasn't been fixed. So don't expect it to get fixed anytime soon.
  14. My apologies, I was reviewing your website late last night and somehow did not find a forums. :scratchchin: Re-apply and we can get your application sorted out.
  15. Deleted the server from the other account. You should be able to add it to yours now.
  16. Well first of all the IP you posted is your Teamspeak server? Second, I can't find the IP you posted on the blacklist. So, double check the IP and let us know.
  17. To answer your question as to why they don't get caught on your server, there are a couple reasons. 1. EB does silent detections, ie when they get a hack, they wait until most people using it are detected and then issue bans. 2. Some cheats have not been leaked EB to have detections created for them.
  18. You need to fill out and have you application approved before your server will ever show up as streaming here. Fill out application -> Staff reviews application -> if accepted, server is added to our database (and would show up as streaming if you set it up properly before) As for the auto-hub setup, make sure you are using the appropriate port. It should be the RCON port for your server. If you did everything correctly, a pb_sv_uconlist should return the following results: PunkBuster Client: [slot] [Type] [Mask] [Name] PunkBuster Client: 1 1 pbbhub1 PunkBuster Client: End of PB UCON Profile List (1 Entry)
  19. The violation is valid unless evenbalance says so. Just because one gamehook violation turned out to be a false positive, doesn't mean all of them are ;)
  20. Cracked servers are automatically removed from and added to the blacklist. I have removed it from the blacklist. Please assure that this does not happen again.
  21. You can have any of the users on the account add you to the team account, and/or have them add the server through there. Streaming only happens if the server is set up, and it is attached to a team account here. ---------- Account Information ---------- Team: The Clan Weapons of Mass Destruction (^WMD^) Account ID: 1480 Streaming Status: Streaming (2 / 2) ---------- User List ---------- Coldsteel (113358) wth (100934) Jastley (114866) WildRooster (116343) EvilMelon (147175)
  22. First of all, you are not tied to a team account so you do not have the ability to stream servers here. To get a team account, you can apply here: http://www.pbbans.com/account_application.php Please make sure you meet all the requirements before you do that though. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/streaming-application-requirements-t82423.html If your clan already has a team account that a different user registered for, just have them add you to the team account.
  23. PS: all those screenshots look clean
  24. "PunkBuster Server: PB UCON Packet ignored "pbbhub1"@ []" means that the your server has been added on our end and we are trying to send commands. This means that the server is not properly configured on your end. Have you tried using the Automated Hub Setup?
  25. Servers sit in a queue for admin approval after they are added. Now that yours has been approved, it looks to be streaming fine.
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