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Everything posted by Big_Guy21

  1. Have you tried both the Webtool as well as the manual setup? Who is the server provider?
  2. That server ip shows up on the MPi. We do not allow any server to stream here that has also been used to play a game on.
  3. We are looking into it. Please be patient.
  4. Removed for you.
  5. Web guide can be found here. You can send all the commands through bf2cc.
  6. Might want to check your account. I don't see any servers on there at all. http://www.pbbans.com/account/server.php
  7. You should have thadpg*bojangles add you to the team account then.
  8. Looks like it worked perfectly. I went ahead and manually bumped up your status.
  9. Hmm lets see... Already saw a squad glitch. Prone deviation sucks. Hit detection for low ping players is good, not so much for high ping players. Zoom glitch isnt fixed. Already heard of players crashing to desktop. What else can I say?
  10. I only see one server on your account for AA3. If you havent been streaming since we moved to NY, read here: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=100628
  11. Just checked and I don't see that it is streaming on any other account. Try again and see if you can add it now.
  12. We do not accept screenshots or demos from times when a server was not streaming. This is because we can not validate that they have not been tampered with. All you can do is local ban the player.
  13. Well you aren't banned seeing as how you can still post here. You just simply can't stream any servers here.
  14. rofl
  15. We moved data centers during our downtime, so there is now a new ip for the hub profile. You need to remove the old hub profile config and replace it with this one: pb_sv_uconadd 1 pbbhub1 pbbanshub New hub profile information can be found http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-hubguide.html New Webtool can be found http://www.pbbans.com/account/webtool.php
  16. Well the two servers you added haven't been approved yet. Someone will get to that when they can. As for your third server: Be sure to check that your servers are streaming http://www.pbbans.com/account/index.php New hub profile information can be found http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-hubguide.html New Webtool can be found http://www.pbbans.com/account/webtool.php As soon as you get the servers streaming, the upgrade in forum status will come shortly afterwards.
  17. Removed from the other account. You should be able to add it now.
  18. Oh how I felt lost without this website. Big thanks goes out to Maydax and Bob for getting the site back up.
  19. Big_Guy21


    Man all these high speeds are making me jealous.
  20. Big_Guy21


  21. Linked GUID's are not always from the same person. Linked guid = that guid has played on one of the same ips as the guid you are looking at. People with dynamic IPs will generally have 50-100 ip addresses and can have just as many linked guids because of it.
  22. Well first of all the change of forum status is automatic. If you don't have a server streaming for a period of (I think) 3 days, you automatically get moved from SGA to member. Second, as Piggy said above, streaming problems are always on your end. Make sure you have the server ip (and port) correct in your team account. Try the webtool or the Non Streaming Fix to get your server streaming again.
  23. I am assuming you are talking about ban colors when you are looking at the MPi. Purple (ish) = PBBans ban Orange = external ban (GGC, AON, etc) Yellow = PBBans ban + external ban
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