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Everything posted by Big_Guy21

  1. The reason we request two ss is because there are many bugs in bf2 that can look like hacks that aren't. For your case, reduced fog, there is a bug where if you were commander the round before and were typing in chat at the end of the round, you will spawn the next round and have no fog at all. There are other similar bugs in bf2 for fog and hence the reason we require two for reduced fog screenshots. The other most common rejection for not having two ss is for esp (in particular names showing behind walls). Many people submit screenshots with one or two names visible behind a wall. If an enemy is visible, gets in the players line of sight, then ducks behind a wall again, their name will show up red for a brief amount of time afterwards. Because of this, we require two screenshots. So all in all, its to make sure the screenshots are not caused by bugs. Just our method of quality control.
  2. Well seeing as how the server is streaming, I don't think you have to worry about the punkbuster not running part. http://www.pbbans.com/msi-server-8-2-121-82-16567.html If you guys are trying to set up auto screenshots via rcon, make sure that after you send the pb_sv_autoss 1 command, that you also do a pb_sv_writecfg command afterwords.
  3. Well without more information, I would say either you don't have punkbuster running when the server is restarted, or you don't have your settings saved when you do a restart. So, make sure punkbuster is running on restart. Post the IP and port. Post the pbsv.cfg so we can see what the settings are.
  4. Gameservers.com is notoriously bad at having bf2 servers that work out of the box with PB. Put in a ticket with them and ask them to update pb and have it start up on server startup. Once that is done, try again. EDIT: Actually if you are already streaming GGC, then the above should not be a problem. Go into your account here and make sure the servers are set to active/enabled.
  5. http://www.pbbans.com/account/user.php?action=edituserprofile
  6. Have you tried using the automated webtool? http://www.pbbans.com/account/webtool.php
  7. Your cd-key was stolen by someone who lives in France. They cheated with it, and got the respective GUID banned. The ban is valid and will not be lifted. If you want to play, avoid PBBans streaming servers, or go buy a new cd-key.
  8. GUIDs are linked by IP address. It does not mean you hacked, just that somebody at one time used the same IP address as you and got caught cheating. It looks like your IP is dynamic, which means that you will be linked to more GUIDs than someone on a static IP address. Linked GUIDs are not always reliable and must be interpreted with care. We will not change or remove any information from the MPi. We provide the data, its up to SGAs how it is interpreted.
  9. http://www.pbbans.com/account_application.php http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=82423
  10. Nicely done!
  11. Latest news, multiplayer games won't be larger than 9v9. http://kotaku.com/5397149/modern-warfare-2...r-capped-at-9v9 http://forums.bestbuy.com/t5/Gaming/Call-o...ript/td-p/67692
  12. Your server is on your team account. However, you need to get it set up on your end. You can manually set it up with just 7 rcon commands by following the guide HERE or by using the webtool HERE.
  13. Couple possibilites: 1. Player had the rank, and had his stats reset by EA (you don't necessarily loser your rank) 2. Stats were hacked. 3. Player had the rank, EA wiped them, EA restored them. You only get total score back if EA restores stats. Most of these would have occurred pre 1.5 patch.
  14. Hey, nice color on your name. :P

  15. It is indeed a cheat. A game hook is a piece of code that hooks into the game in an attempt to modify the game code.
  16. Um what? You aren't going to be able to convince Activision to change anything without large amounts of money involved.
  17. We will not modify MPi data in any way. We do not ban by name, or IP, only GUID.
  18. I have bf2cc and Win7 and have no problems. Make sure you have .net 1.1 AND the .net 1.1 service pack. Also try redownloading bf2cc.
  19. Your account has been suspended. First, we require a working clan website with an active forums and an up-to-date roster. Second, we do not allow clans that harbour cheaters to user our services. http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-be261805-vb120222.html He will need to be removed from the clan before your account is reactivated. If you have any questions, feel free to hop on IRC or PM a staff member and ask.
  20. There is only an option to disable free camera. If free camera is allowed, you can cycle through players on your team.
  21. When you press space bar and you follow one player, press C to cycle through players on your team. You will only be able to follow them in third person mode though.
  22. Your team account was denied for a couple reasons, as was told to you here: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?sho...=104234&hl= We have a strict set of requirements that you must me in order to be able to stream here. You need to make sure all requirements are met, otherwise you will continue to get denied. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=82214 The serverlist you ask about, just means you need to have the servers listed somewhere on your website. This can be in the form of IPs or banners from somewhere such as www.game-monitor.com or www.gametracker.com . Lastly, we ban any duplicate forum accounts and leave the newest one. That is why your old account is banned.
  24. TS overlay is separate from TS itself. Last I heard it did not work with Vista. It may work with Win7 in compatibility mode, but I haven't ever tried it.
  25. I do believe this is an error with the way EA or gamespy handle account logins. I do believe that if a player is still connected to the account server, then connects again with the same account, gamespy appends the player ID to the end of the name. :D
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