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Everything posted by Big_Guy21

  1. You need to get the guid from the server logs. Your provider should have some way for you to access the punkbuster files through a control panel. The logs will be in pb/logs. For 2142cc, use the command above, PB_SV_BanGuid [guid] [player_name] [iP_Address] [reason]. (replace everything in the brackets including the brackets with the appropriate information). Type the command into the text box, and press the C:\ button to the right of it. (See screenshot)
  2. Get their guid from your server logs and ban with that. You can send the below command using rcon.
  3. Not really a whole lot you can do. The guy can basically do anything he wants. The only good part about it is that we only ban by guid, not by name.
  4. The GGC website does not say you are banned, but in their irc channel, the bot says you still are. !guid 4c29aff4 Player on banlist: bf2 alias: OTAVIANVS_AVGVSTVS GUID: 4c29aff4 reason: Violation (GAMEHACK) #85017 banned until: 2011-07-30 11:31:28 CET origin: GGC
  5. I have been running the 64 bit RC for about a month now. Haven't updated past that since punkbuster doesn't work on most of the higher builds. Will most likely be investing when it releases.
  6. So make a new forum section, make it viewable to the public, add topic with member list, lock it from posting, put link on homepage. If you know anything about nuke-evo at all, it will take you about 5 minutes. Or, make a separate html page, upload it, post link on homepage. Or, find a module for nuke-evo to do it for you. So many options. If you can't meet our requirements, then you can stream elsewhere as has been said before.
  7. If it is a server from gameservers.com, you will probably need to put in a support ticket and have them make sure that PB is setup properly and runs at start. Otherwise, have you tried the webtool? http://www.pbbans.com/webtool.php
  8. Well your cd-key has been used by IP's in Germany as well as the US. So unless you played in two countries on the same day, someone else has your cd-key as well and got banned by GGC. GGC can be found here: http://ggc-stream.com but they seem to be down again at the moment. Player on banlist: bf2 alias: None GUID: 0ce0db93 reason: DEMO banned until: 2011-03-19 00:00:00 CET origin: GGC Your best bet is to go buy a new copy of the game since it is unlikely that the ban from GGC will be removed.
  9. evenbalance is going to be the only one that can tell you that: http://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/new_ticket.php
  10. Try the Automated Hub Setup or Streaming Fix
  11. Check the bans.txt file in your "main" folder.
  12. We ban by guids only. New CD-Key = new GUID = able to play
  13. If you have the files, you can zip them and send them to [email protected] . Otherwise, use the link you just put up: http://www.pbbans.com/submit_cheat.php
  14. Fixed.
  15. Well you don't want to fix it. That player has been caught cheating: http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-d5868282-vb132939.html Anytime a player that has been caught cheating by pbbans, they will be kicked from the server and will cause an "enforced ban" message like you see there.
  16. Please send me a PM with any proof that you have and we can take it from there.
  17. You are not banned here at PBBans or any other anti-cheat site i checked. You need to go talk to the server admins to get your ban lifted. www.badsquadron.com
  18. From the application requirements:
  19. You are not banned at pbbans. You are banned at AON, and AASA. You need to appeal your bans with them. AON AASA
  20. Only admins of streaming clans can submit demos to PBBans for review. For you, sending it to the server admins was the appropriate thing to do. Hopefully they will know what to do with it.
  21. You would have to ask evenbalance about that. http://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/new_ticket.php
  22. /me slaps UrGonnadie around with a large trout

  23. Unfortunately if someone wants to crash your server, there isn't much to do to stop them. If you are running on a linux server, ask your provider if they have bf2ahd. Otherwise, just be diligent, check suspicious players, take screenshots. If you are an admin on your server, ask to be added to the team account to get access to other forums and more information/help.
  24. There are some guids that have your name on them that are stolen/keygen keys. Of the ones with strictly French IP's, 2 of the 3 are global banned by evenbalance.
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