BFBC2 now allows PB streaming, which is a plus.
Issues that I still see (or incorrectly assume):
No battlerecorder. Especially usefull for spotting aimbots, fog hacks, etc. This feature was paramount for banning undetected hacks running amuck.
No server screenshots. Useful for catching custom homebrew hacks, etc
No mods. Not really a cheat issue.
No access to console (no checking GUID as a player). Anyone remember namehacks, even when people said namehacking wasnt possible?
No MD5 checks.
No macro checks. Macros are now allowed universally.
Issues I have no idea:
Server logs. Are these available without server file access? If so for how long? What info in them is available?
My opinion:
Dice has half stepped up to the plate, but hasnt completely. Streaming is a big tool. What about when PBBans gets their hands on a hack, how are they to test it on a private server? So does this mean no more MD5 checks? Which translates to hacks playing weeks longer on BFBC2 servers?
And the unaddressed issue, I feel server admins have still been left out in the cold.
3rd party PB streaming has now been implemented. Basically means a players account can be researched to see if he prior bans (and didnt bother covering his tracks).
As a server admin this makes investigating a suspected cheat effortless as there is no data to look at other than his history of 100 previous successful hacks or none.
As to how admins deal with suspected cheats, who knows other than its going to be messy. If an admin bans a player for suspected cheating, how does a player appeal that ban when no evidence exists in the first place. "It felt like" or "it looked like you were cheating" is now the standard for bans. Or admins dont ban suspected cheaters.