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TGL - Grunt

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About TGL - Grunt

  • Birthday 03/12/1978

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    Call of Duty 4
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  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0zVL8IRRvo&feature=player_embedded The floating Apple....
  2. DICE, creators of the upcoming and highly anticipated Battlefield: Bad Company 2, and MyInternetServices.com are teaming up to bring you an amazing deal on Bad Company 2 server rentals! With servers located throughout North America, MyIS is poised to bring you the best service and support possible to ensure a smooth gaming experience for your friends and community. All of the following begins at just $1.95 (USD) per slot if you visit MyInternetServices.com today. With Bad Company 2 set to be released in just over a month's time, there is precious little time to waste to ensure you have the best launch day multiplayer experience possible. When ordering, feel free to mention my name. I've been told I'll get a gold star and a cookie every time someone mentions me on the order form!
  3. Yea i know how things go.. but MyIS does more then just Game Servers..... I just pushed the information out there for those that do use Apple stuff.....
  4. See the attached image for info. Any questions feel free to contact me via email. [email protected]
  5. Total Gaming League closed shop on 2142 while back... Was a lack of teams.
  6. The Total Gaming League Intel Wolfenstein Championship has entered round 4, with 8 teams left, 5 of which are going home with cash in their pockets. The match ups for Round 4 are as follows: Team fx vs rePulse Gaming Team Dignitas vs hubris Team Cross Breed vs Team Affliction mASCULINE_MANS vs Fate With the home team, Affliction and the always competitive Team Dignitas as heavy favorites to win the tourney, both teams will need to be firing on all cylinders to get through the quarter and semi-finals. In the quarter finals, Team Dignitas will face team Hubris who asserted themselves as the #1 North American Quake Wars team and Team fX (a team composed of RTCW veterans), while Team Affliction will have to battle through Crossbreed and the winner of mASCULINE_MANS (a top 3 Enemy Territory Team) and FATE, an established Quake Wars team. Manor is a map where bad spawn times can make or break you. Tune into Gamefire tomorrow night at 9:30 EST to get in on all of the action as Hubris takes on Team Dignitas. The Wolfenstein tourney is sponsored by Intel, id, and Activision featuring a number of prizes. Prizes are as follows: 1st place - $3,500 plus 5x Intel
  7. We did back when it was first released....
  8. Update. http://league.totalgamingnetwork.com/news/view/257
  9. As posted by [MyIS]Airborne in Total Gaming Network Forums. http://www.totalgamingnetwork.com/main/sho...ad.php?t=203836 To clarify this is for Modern Warfare 2 Servers.....
  10. Activision, Intel, and the Total Gaming League are proud to present the Wolfenstein Championship. This single elimination 5vs5 tournament will begin on September 30th, with worldwide registration closing on September 28th at 9:00 PM Eastern. While registration is open to participants worldwide, all matches will be played on US based Intel servers at 9:30 PM US EDT on designated match nights regardless of the team's geographical location. Prizing includes $10,000 cash to the top five teams, along with 12x Intel
  11. Even Balance handles Global Bans. You will need to await for them to reply.
  12. http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-378c3f99-vb97540.html
  13. Thanks Stuart for giving us the heads up.... and as always Thanks for the support.
  14. i uninstalled the game from my PC...... did that about uumm month ago..
  15. Welcome.
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