The Total Gaming League Intel Wolfenstein Championship has entered round 4, with 8 teams left, 5 of which are going home with cash in their pockets.
The match ups for Round 4 are as follows:
Team fx vs rePulse Gaming
Team Dignitas vs hubris
Team Cross Breed vs Team Affliction
With the home team, Affliction and the always competitive Team Dignitas as heavy favorites to win the tourney, both teams will need to be firing on all cylinders to get through the quarter and semi-finals.
In the quarter finals, Team Dignitas will face team Hubris who asserted themselves as the #1 North American Quake Wars team and Team fX (a team composed of RTCW veterans), while Team Affliction will have to battle through Crossbreed and the winner of mASCULINE_MANS (a top 3 Enemy Territory Team) and FATE, an established Quake Wars team.
Manor is a map where bad spawn times can make or break you. Tune into Gamefire tomorrow night at 9:30 EST to get in on all of the action as Hubris takes on Team Dignitas.
The Wolfenstein tourney is sponsored by Intel, id, and Activision featuring a number of prizes. Prizes are as follows:
1st place - $3,500 plus
5x Intel