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Everything posted by BOTA:X

  1. I found another guy with the same problem...JackDaw over at Punksbusted posted a video related to the Mouse Circle issue: Clicky And oddly in the video you can see the same graphics glitch that shows up in a percentage of my screenshots, except mine doesn't ever flicker in game. It must have to do with the recording software he is using because my mouse software doesn't support...nor would I want...mouse circles when I hit control.
  2. Drop it in your PBSS folder and open it up, it's an HTML file. It will index the players and their screenshots. Are you already running Auto Screenshots on your server?
  3. MSG Screenshot Viewer, works great.
  4. Tools -> Options -> Games -> (Whatever game) -> Disable X-Fire In-Game
  5. I played DF2... Touney 8 / Doom & Gloom maps ftw! Also a short stay in Black Hawk Down
  6. I see there was an update just today with IE support? Very nice that something so simple is so effective. Great job.
  7. So it only gets stranger. Using the in game screenshot button (not printscreen/xfire/fraps/console screenshot) this happened at the end of the game. I took a screenshot of my score: Then I simply scrolled down to take a screenshot of the other team's scores (knew some people on the team and wanted some material for their forum :D ) Whisky Tango Foxtrot!! Well I guess it mostly has to do with end game scores, so for matches and anything important I will delegate someone else on my team to screenshot the end game score, since we can't count on mine. I can't figure out what causes it...but I've documented it so if someone else has the problem in the future they won't feel so alone.
  8. Actually this one seemed to happen when I opened up the console and typed /screenshotjpeg I'll have to figure out what driver version cause it, etc...
  9. I'm flipping through my screenshots and about every 10th one comes out looking like this. It was really starting to bug me because they were SUPPOSED to be screenshots of the match end scores, and I wondered if a percentage of my screenshots returned to servers looked like that. (That would be bad lol) I think I figured out what is happening.. At the end of the match, if you hold tab + hit your screenshot button before the ending scoreboard pops up, it will not draw the scoreboard at all...it draws what was in that picture. Can anyone else duplicate this error? Using two x1950s in Crossfire + latest ATI drivers, btw.
  10. First of all, there is no master server. All ranks are stored locally in a file called mpdata under: %program files%\Activision\COD4\players\profiles\YourName\ I recommend you back yours up at regular intervals because stuff happens. Also, when you join a modded server it deletes all your saved classes and forces the default ones on you...and it's annoying remember what you had on each one! :D As a gamer I don't like to see anyone get something they didn't earn, but honostly with ranks stored locally everyone's on the honor system and theres hardly a way to enforce it. As a member of another team I would have no problem playing against this guy because, as I mentioned, all ranks are nullified by the DAMN and PAM4 mods.
  11. pb_sv_protecttag 1 BOTA Thanks guys
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