The guy is asking who resets stats as he would like his reset. Source: I watched a Russian video one time.
Jlum0n: If you buy BF3 Premium for PC you will get an option to reset some of your stats, which are the scale images at the top. The true stats are not rest.
I don't know if you can do this on Xbox.
Very interesting! Plantside never had it's own anticheat system. Having PB will help, but there is no way to admin your own server since Sony owns them all.
Usually overlays. Anything that draws something in front of the game (like fraps/xfire) but hasn't been white listed by EB. If you have an obscure video recorder or Team Speak overlay it can do that.
Good spotting that people have the same GUID across games. I suppose this is a result of the fight that was put up at the beginning of BC2 to base the GUID on the account and not the soldier, which is where the real work to get this done happened.
v2 - October 24, 2006
v3 - June 17, 2008
v4 - March 22, 2011
v5 - June 21, 2011
v6 - Tomorrow?
They must be trying to bankrupt Microsoft with the cake.
Not for the weapon mod. Basically don't mod player skins to give yourself an advantage. This is an example:
The MAC address gets stripped off at every router hop and takes on the MAC of that router. If you got your server to show you the MAC address of every connecting player, they would all have the same one: the closest router/firewall/pix to the server.
The PB client has a way of picking up the client MAC but even balance no longer uses those for hardware bans I've read. It's too large of a privacy issue, plus game developers would prefer they be able to buy a game over and over again.
Corrupted file/memory kicks could be just that, corrupted files or memory. It could be because of problems with their PC, or it could be that they are in fact using a program that changes values in memory (a hack) but it's not possible to be sure which until they get an actual violation kick.
Bingo, bot nets.
They probably have some lame scan that looks for the host name of an IRC server, and many of the IRC clients come with some pre-configured servers.