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Everything posted by numbnutts

  1. Well ya see, Norm, it's like this... A herd of buffalo can only move as fast as the slowest buffalo. And when the herd is hunted, it is the slowest and weakest ones at the back that are killed first. This natural selection is good for the herd as a whole, because the general speed and health of the whole group keeps improving by the regular killing of the weakest members. "In much the same way, the human brain can only operate as fast as the slowest brain cells. Excessive intake of alcohol, as we know, kills brain cells. But naturally it attacks the slowest and weakest brain cells first. "In this way, regular consumption of beer eliminates the weaker brain cells, making the brain a faster and more efficient machine. That's why you always feel smarter after a few beers." -Cliff Claven
  2. Any Idea when the patch will out?
  3. Is there still a Punkbuster issue playing games like COD4 ? Never have been able to get it to work with PB(ubuntu 8.04.1 LTS version)
  4. As it should be. "SERVICE AS EXPECTED"
  5. LOL. Just out of diapers. Hoping his BALLS will drop soon.
  6. Congrats #100. We also are ask that same question "Do You stream?" I say "You Don't?"
  7. Fix this ASAP.
  8. Welcome and I think we all agree. I hope we can all pull together and eliminate all of em. Now with PBBans I have can now keep them off my servers. Thank you for helping to do the same.
  9. I just made some improvements to my vehicle. Gas milage has improved 100%. If you need to talk to my mechanic let me know. Here is what he did : http://www.drunkinfools.com/fuel.gif
  10. As are we. Job well done.
  11. Change your Server Password. Hope you use a bind to login . Other wise you may have brodcast it one time. I had a guy I was getting ready to help us admin our servers and he did just that. I did not wait to see if anyone was paying attention in the server when he did this ,I changed the P/W right away.
  12. If I check both: Enable MD5 AutoUpdates Enable CVAR AutoUpdates for my flags, That works also?
  13. Welcome back guys. Glad to see you back up and running.
  14. No future after I got out if stayed in. It was a critical career field and could not cross train then. I did have a lot of fun tho. The whole time over there was one BIG party, with the exception of a gernade once in awhile thrown you way. LOL. Here is a link to my personal web page from our group showing an F-4 ready to roll: http://www.drunkinfools.com/lone.html
  15. I loaded guns --rockets-- bombs--missles on the F-4 Phantom. 697 days in Southeast Asia before and during the fall of Siagon.
  16. Thank you for understanding. I think it looks bad if someone is caught within a group. I also understand it is the Cheaters undertaking to choose cheats and not every member within. We try to police our ranks but with all the cheats out there it is very hard to do. That is why we enlist your help. Our Group has no time for any Cheats. Bob were you a 462 or a 461 in the Air Force? I see you were in the Air Force as was I . 73 to 77. Also a 462.
  17. One of our new members were caught by PBBANs (Well Done by the way) Please do not think we at DFS use any type of cheats. I just wanted to say Thanks for helping us eliminate one more .
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