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Everything posted by EvilJohn

  1. But its so sexy! :) http://evilclan.openpowered.com/pub/themes...marck/index.php? I know. I need something in the top right hand corner. :P
  2. Well we know that is no longer supported. But they are playing with it here. http://etace.org/
  3. What mod and version of ET? I am sorry. I believe there is no patch, or fix for this fake player bug which denies service. Unless you run etpro mod and use the combined fix lua. See here. http://bani.anime.net/banimod/forums/viewtopic.php?t=6777 Please note they inform other mod makers! " to fill up servers with bogus players" I checked Luigi Auriemma's site. He also offers no patch. Although he does have a patch for RCON brute force. I would suggest you pressure the powers to be with the mod you are using. If the mod is no longer supported. I feel for ya. Edit: If the mod makers went to etpro, and asked for help on the fix. They would probably help them.
  4. but Danetti dont make Hax... was Ramairo , he make hax in the Danetti's House


  5. Better advice. Why don't you work at your job instead of playing ET. Stay out of my game server.
  6. Shhhhh Don't tell them. :rolleyes:
  7. Very nice indeed. Going to use it. We are about to upgrade our forum boards, homepage, and CMS. Vb, Vb CMS have and are releasing new versions. So one of my admins will have to change the color codes. But thank you so much for sharing that. Its perfect, plus good advertising for PBbans. Edit:Typo
  8. Yes, but the code for the guid check on a web site takes me to my PBbans account. With my SGA permission level. When it shows the results of guid check.
  9. Thank you, Thank you. Very nice tools for those trying to run a league. But admins for a league always thirst for more. It is not easy trying to keep a clean league, with ZERO tolerance. It seems Anti-cheat admins use the MPI for than anything else. I think I still have 2 wishes left, oh magic ones. Any way to add to google or web site? But yet keep privacy issues on the up side. http://www.pbbans.com/mpi/index.php
  10. Old news. See 2nd post. http://forum.goteamspeak.com/showthread.php?t=9284 You can delete that file if it bothers you. Client still runs fine.
  11. I was just wondering if code could be made to add a block to a website. Like the Check GUID or Server Block here-> http://www.pbbans.com/
  12. Thank you. This is super. Anyway to add to a web site homepage that is used for a league?
  13. Welcome to PBbans

  14. Welcome to PBbans

  15. My mistake. For not making it clear. Can you change "Enenmy Territory League" on the site sponsors to "Evil Territory League" ETL = http://evilterritory.com/ Thank you for all you do.
  16. [email protected] $40.00 donated This is from the ETL and *Evil* clan.. You fine people are the best.
  17. "I see no benefit for running an outdated version of a game. Other than fragmenting a community of players and it's not an ET specific problem. Spock would have a difficult time in understanding your logic". I gave you a simple reason. I am adding to the 2.60b etpro community. Its great to see these 2.55 guys and gals become good guns and members of the etpro 2.60b community with class, wearing my game name. You don't want to accept that. Even Spock would understand good recruiting grounds. Who am I going to recruit in 2.60b? Some guy or gal who has been in 5 clans. Thinks they are L33t, and does not even know what team work is. security holes: You adept. If they find a hole. I plug it My friend I am done arguing with you.
  18. "ignorant noobs" My point about the mentality in 2.60b
  19. Yes, I tried cvarwalking on a busy server, running on a dedicated box with 4GB of ram. I had to disable the cvar walking. Lag problem solved.
  20. You didn't understand. Its not my fault the game maker creates the problem. Your in a dream world if you think the avg new player will update on his own. LOL I see posts here about can't get my server to stream. To you and I it was a simple 5min process to stream. I have posts on my forums how to update. But we still have to walk people though it. Just like they walk admins of servers though the simple process of streaming We have 2.60b servers and 2.55 servers. When someone new gets the game they get 2.55 version. They don't even know anything about an update. Why not teach them how to play the game right. Show them how to update. If they started in 2.60b anyway they would drop the game. The mentality there is ..... Better left unsaid.
  21. I do it to give back to the community. The community has been so good to me. So I give back. I take 2.55 players new to the game. Get them involed in a well established clan. Teach them how to play the game. Its an OBJ game with team work. Teach them how to update to 2.60b. Teach them how to play etpro and scrim. Maybe you can understand that.
  22. If its on their end. Why do I not suffer from it with four game servers?
  23. If nothing else. Xfire lowers your FPS on etpro.
  24. I have been a member at PSB 22-April 04. I must say after being here a few days and having a look around. This is all quite impressive. My hats off to all PBbans admins. Nothing but quick and expert help. I love the hub. Its nice to be live, and not have to wait on an auto-MBL rep. The pb configs here for my game were up to date, with some nice MD5 checks. The fact that the checks will work for all versions of my game is super. I like the professional no nonsense approach. Someone should have told me about this hub sooner. :P There is no reason for any server admin not to join. If you can use rcon. You can be streaming, and well protected from cheats in just a few minutes. I just bought a high dollar gaming rig. Give me 30 days to pay off some christmas debt. Then I will be glad to make a donation to help support this great site. Thanks guys for what you do!
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