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Everything posted by Fricka

  1. I typed: quit in hlsw. To restart the server. Funny thing is, i did the same command line in every server, and only 1 is streaming.
  2. I typed: pb_sv_uconadd 1 "" "pbbhub1" "pbbanshub" sfs|Fueldump NL is streaming again The others aint, i gave them the same command in hlsw. sfs|Afrika HD sfs|16 maps NL Stockenfels Fight Soldiers hmm ok frontpage looks normal again now.
  3. Same counts for me. I did in hlsw. Only 1 of my 4 servers are streaming. Cant exess private steaming part of forum. btw you start page looks weird: http://www.pbbans.com/ the rest looks fine. in hlsw 21:35:06 pb_sv_uconlist 21:35:06 Punkbuster: [slot] [Type] [Mask] [Name] Punkbuster: End of PB UCON Profile List (0 Entries)
  4. I am trying to e-mail to: [email protected] But they bouche back. On your temp website you told to remove some lines asap.And i asked my game provider to do this.Now my servers arent streaming anymore.If i want to post in the: Streaming Game Admin Private Forums > Account Management I get this message:The error returned was:Sorry, you do not have permission to start a topic in this forum So how to get my servers streaming again? Account id: 3069 need help with this. If i can do this with HLSW my selfs, than please support me with the lines i need to paste into that.Please do not give me only a link, but support me.Otherwise i am not aible to get it done.Cos not every one is a computer expert. Fricka
  5. 46,99 usd = 33,59 euro But they let us pay
  6. Oke thanks MayDaX.
  7. May i ask why pbbans is adverticing for gameservers? My current gameprovider is cheaper, but got exelent service and fast rates. Or is this not allowed to say?
  8. I have a clan member too who is frequently is asked, "can you stay off this part of the map, we get tired to get shot at all the time". Some even leave if the enters the servers, lol. We mostly tel them to go play Mario Bross. With this glitching you mean: warp? or exployts in the game (buggy place where you normaly cant enter)?
  9. Than come on guy's and doneted for this thing and help Punkbuster bans. Donate a little for the disk.
  10. Is it not easyer to go to a shop and buy a harddisk there?
  11. Donation sended, by accident i also billed you, lol.
  12. I had bannished some Belgium clans for that, trying to take over the server, or want to be all the time in the same team. So this not only happands in the Netherlands, lol.
  13. Happy New Year, to all who make Pb Bans possible, and to all who use this greath tool.
  14. Good to hear that you guys can buy your new server. Without PBbans i dont want to run an server anymore, we caught about 60 new cheaters, but thousends have been blocked. Thanks guys.
  15. I just donated at the 10th, but today again to ad something extra. I hope you can use this. Keep up the banning.
  16. Niet meer nodig dus, want ik zie net dat alle gamehook 120120 bans gelift zijn.
  17. Zie hier; http://www.enemy-territory.za.net/modules.php?name=strat11
  18. Oke even een update, mijn geband clanlid zegt dit: sfs|peer: i use only spawnpoint charger sfs|A_Tosa_Inu*: what is that? sfs|peer: i can change spawnpoint i fuel radar sfs|A_Tosa_Inu*: on to where on the map sfs|peer: 12 sfs|peer: all maps sfs|peer: all servers sfs|A_Tosa_Inu*: but wath happand if u use this? sfs|peer: when cp is restored sfs|A_Tosa_Inu*: you mean you can spawn at places others cant? sfs|peer: no sfs|peer: after be killed i can come back other spawn sfs|peer: in fuel if the kp is restored i can be back in garage when play allies sfs|peer: and if axis i can use last spawn sfs|peer: bind 0 "weaponbank 10" bind 1 "setspawnpt 1; echo ^7spawn ^11; play sound/menu/select" bind 2 "setspawnpt 2; echo ^7spawn ^22; play sound/menu/select" bind 3 "setspawnpt 3; echo ^7spawn ^33; play sound/menu/select" bind 4 "setspawnpt 4; echo ^7spawn ^44; play sound/menu/select" bind 5 "setspawnpt 5; echo ^7spawn ^55; play sound/menu/select" bind 6 "setspawnpt 0; echo ^7spawn ^6default; play sound/menu/selec sfs|A_Tosa_Inu*: that what is differnt than other players spawn sfs|peer: yes i can change it after restore KP sfs|peer: its allowed Ik denk dat hij probeert te zeggen dat hij dus een script gebruikt wat hem dus instaad stelt om bij een opgeblazen commandpost te respawnen. Volgens mij is dat cheaten? Dit script en vele andere staan op Poolse en Russische websites, en die claimen dat het mag.
  19. Idd sorry ik zei het verkeerd, ik zei ban, maar het zijn blocks.
  20. In 10 uur tijd 36 blocks, en dit is maar een server. 05.39 - 15.58 Op de andere 3 game servers net zo. Ik heb op een server van ons 480 blocks in 4 dagen tijd, voor dezelfde melding. Het waren er nooit zoveel.
  21. [07.14.2008 05:39:10] 46e1268fb1bcd8bd8c59c42bbf56d7d8 "[uPC]Red RevYol" "" PBBansHub!GAME HOOK [07.14.2008 06:01:22] 6034297e8a4c03a2f0838548d1e5b306 "emil" "" PBBansHub!GAME HOOK [07.14.2008 06:41:07] 62e9dca9dde5324122f96ea3e546e283 "Shade" "" PBBansHub!AIMBOT [07.14.2008 06:56:46] b989d25945f644e2ff240c15bd7c22de "-NULL-Creptic" "" PBBansHub!Generic Cvar Scan [07.14.2008 07:19:25] ca070207a35ecccb21cf2b7edc7cbc5f "JUDGE DEATH" "" PBBansHub!GAME HOOK [07.14.2008 07:30:57] e8d7055e778007551f603f762124d902 "Idie2ez" "" PBBansHub!GAME HOOK [07.14.2008 07:35:50] 6a706d10e9dccf825f4144ce185dc040 "JUDGE DEATH" "" PBBansHub!GAME HOOK [07.14.2008 08:11:45] 7c37b5dbe99cb76da8b381bd9e42d3e0 "OmriiB" "" PBBansHub!GAME HOOK [07.14.2008 08:12:24] 7a2e88569e979adefd233ad5a3adc539 "HeadStyle" "" PBBansHub!PB HACK [07.14.2008 08:16:06] 8c2ac616ef3d3ede21daa630a49d12b9 "iReko" "" PBBansHub!MD5TOOL(prbot.pk3) [07.14.2008 08:29:15] 9429616e467b40e8adc7600bfb704317 "FUALL" "" PBBansHub!GAME HOOK [07.14.2008 08:37:54] 4dba32543f683869091faba757d3389b "Hardlife" "" PBBansHub!GAME HOOK [07.14.2008 09:09:26] 70922b43de05b3ae6684f78e0e8a5618 "--NEIZEN--" "" PBBansHub!GAME HOOK [07.14.2008 10:12:59] 8bb636758678747fc82be7faf8cd4b4c "SupERMAN" "" PBBansHub!GAME HOOK [07.14.2008 10:18:49] cc8c0ad343828d6f308a6c5374a811e7 "Penner" "" PBBansHub!GAME HOOK [07.14.2008 11:19:33] 979faae58e4bb8d456d2c81284731b1b "Manno" "" PBBansHub!GAME HOOK [07.14.2008 11:24:28] b82d7495476a614385b5d2cb15b55974 "nie-jestem" "" PBBansHub!MULTIHACK [07.14.2008 11:49:54] 207a4111d60279ca0b6f2a4688013f42 "Na4ck" "" PBBansHub!GAME HOOK [07.14.2008 11:52:14] 8e8b5de83323d27dff9109f58344c5d4 "[TCC]|Punk|" "" PBBansHub!PB HACK [07.14.2008 11:52:35] f599d04cb97b379664717d721fcea17c "pachino's" "" PBBansHub!WALLHACK [07.14.2008 12:00:13] 957066d73cd55ebacb3b202680d5d52f "|AES| Couillu" "" PBBansHub!GAME HOOK [07.14.2008 12:05:10] da53d0543a4327b497efb6241fb25b68 "#BMC#Lauda#" "" PBBansHub!GAME HOOK [07.14.2008 12:07:11] e116e3faaf5a9ad6c02eeb3403c33151 "Retard" "" PBBansHub!MULTIHACK [07.14.2008 12:15:05] 2b99a41e2056631048f80ed46a1cca95 "Retard" "" PBBansHub!MULTIHACK [07.14.2008 12:15:46] 639562d859c74330ffd2530665f28fd0 "Angel" "" PBBansHub!GAME HOOK [07.14.2008 12:25:50] 9a9c30a8ed64cdfa64929877f8cc6341 "killoo" "" PBBansHub!GAME HOOK [07.14.2008 12:33:58] 180b9dfccaa098f4084df315810eb3e4 "OwneD*" "" PBBansHub!GAME HOOK [07.14.2008 12:37:52] 395a39913af2573e9502c75e7d67e1bb "gufno" "" PBBansHub!Generic BIND Scan [07.14.2008 12:42:47] 0ced508416634d3ca7c9bce974520f14 "JUDGE DEATH" "" PBBansHub!GAME HOOK [07.14.2008 12:50:12] 6fc31b7bff1926ad8f272ab0bc39bdba "ZenOfDoorways" "" PBBansHub!GAME HOOK [07.14.2008 12:50:22] 839128f31a633d24066f642d560d0a93 "clark" "" PBBansHub!GAME HOOK [07.14.2008 12:51:40] 0040e40a55b23346fa3255d8aed9e6a9 "Xavandy***" "" PBBansHub!Generic Cvar Scan [07.14.2008 12:53:59] 2cde7588909946233a0c535c1156544a ":)Kenny." "" PBBansHub!GAME HOOK [07.14.2008 13:01:49] 32029f9daf57c16a5487a304c3f66f66 "gufno" "" PBBansHub!Generic BIND Scan [07.14.2008 13:19:57] 29a53f37db9f7392add2188a28013429 "Active # W!cked" "" PBBansHub!GAME HOOK [07.14.2008 13:22:15] 074351c5fca7f957b289de6e65c86355 "Mysko" "" PBBansHub!GAME HOOK [07.14.2008 13:33:27] 5399c63711f935899027af9b02060fa5 "Szami" "" PBBansHub!GAME HOOK [07.14.2008 13:39:08] caa3d3c6069b8b31aae5ba6619691189 "Shaka37" "" PBBansHub!GAME HOOK [07.14.2008 13:42:45] 056c5408d0f411fe8321d26564309b82 "Social Napalm" "" PBBansHub!GAME HOOK [07.14.2008 13:45:26] 12bb7e15b50c624c4f1095c708f87c15 "ECK|WolfX" "" PBBansHub!GAME HOOK [07.14.2008 13:48:02] a3a3849fb2621e901de2700d22145f56 "nerad" "" PBBansHub!GAME HOOK [07.14.2008 13:50:42] a9fa5f2498d6a1222cb9094924976266 "4ert" "" PBBansHub!GAME HOOK [07.14.2008 13:53:51] 8a60bd46e981f893c0bcb82e56af314c "juNko" "" PBBansHub!MD5TOOL(nex_settings.src(null) ) [07.14.2008 13:58:55] 179b132a10d1a6c3bec6e6539fa0b020 "oooZ" "" PBBansHub!GAME HOOK [07.14.2008 14:05:30] 836ca594b748fe7f803401b8a3a06bf8 "[_[Ghost]_]" "" PBBansHub!GAME HOOK [07.14.2008 14:08:43] c6410b8adef07dc37525d80e7ef1bfc4 "Hubu*" "" PBBansHub!GAME HOOK [07.14.2008 14:11:58] 31e3c3f28826ef66dfe9f298d268e529 "40-1 SABATON > ALLLLLLLl" "" PBBansHub!MD5TOOL(nexuz.pk3) [07.14.2008 14:26:40] a9b8ab4c1d427ae743c86b12356d5886 "ETPlayer" "" PBBansHub!MD5TOOL(cu.pk3) [07.14.2008 14:34:29] 1b6eafaa81124607493505fea5cffadf "The_No0B" "" PBBansHub!MULTIHACK [07.14.2008 14:36:36] e6424c90292648cc6272e01d48c5106c "oooZ" "" PBBansHub!GAME HOOK [07.14.2008 14:42:56] 8ec3bacd27ed45df033570b13d1a08b1 "+BARBIE+" "" PBBansHub!GAME HOOK [07.14.2008 14:43:41] 9aaa812e94b29c3e27ced54e5a41db66 "mAus " "" PBBansHub!Generic Cvar Scan [07.14.2008 14:45:08] c74344ed6f8492e0b15b3c018b542957 "-NULL-Creptic" "" PBBansHub!Generic Cvar Scan [07.14.2008 14:50:18] aec9518b8958d4079e6c26beb4cc364f "Rumpsteak" "" PBBansHub!MULTIHACK [07.14.2008 14:54:44] c98aad0c10299851fbf6b77327bb3ff4 "D!" "" PBBansHub!AIMBOT [07.14.2008 15:10:43] f08362850345ed5966682dd9f032c441 "pAAMx3" "" PBBansHub!GAME HOOK [07.14.2008 15:31:51] a48905b0359a2c0fce7366d171dd5692 "oooZ" "" PBBansHub!GAME HOOK [07.14.2008 15:32:05] 5c550475fd4d5eac804ac4ce5aad6e5c "skip2mylou" "" PBBansHub!GAME HOOK [07.14.2008 15:39:34] f44298ea5f50f1ef1bc8013ab2c38369 "mark" "" PBBansHub!MULTIHACK [07.14.2008 15:48:28] 4adaeb70f201736b729c24a88d7fc63b "-=[8th]=-!Marc! " "" PBBansHub!PB HACK [07.14.2008 15:48:54] 2b828a4e19e5eeece2acb44d8d80facd "Seppo 69 imaisee kankea" "" PBBansHub!GAME HOOK [07.14.2008 15:55:34] c08f41b8c0e78e542ccc6d0d2d3c9e8c "NoXious" "" PBBansHub!GAME HOOK [07.14.2008 15:58:36] ca48268e2f30cf5f2e314868298d303c "WAkupPB" "" PBBansHub!GAME HOOK
  22. Bedankt voor de snelle reactie. Het viel me alleen op dat er zo ontzettend veel geblockt werden de laaste paar dagen. Ik heb het idee dat het er idioot veel waren. Is er soms een nieuwe cheat ondekt? Ik kan eventueel wel een gedeelte van mijn pbbans.dat sturen. Het verveelende dat er ook een admin van me bij zit. Die heb ik tijdelijk opnon actief gezet. Op afwachting van zijn trouble ticket van evenbalance. www.sfs-clan.eu
  23. Hallo, Ik heb sinds dinsdag 8 Juli op 4 servers meer dan 1000 pbbans gehad. Elk topic wat word geopend over dit onderwerp in het engels talige deel word gelijk gesloten. Zit er een fout in de laaste pb update? Of zijn er geen eerlijke spelers meer? Het gaat om Violation gamehook 120120. Er is totaal niet over te vinden wat dit nu inhoud. Ik vind dat je toch wel een klein beetje recht hebt op info wat er op je servers gebeurt. Hebben jullie dit ook? De bans staan in pbbans.dat
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