I gave up on this ages ago. Haven't bought any of the DLC, and never will either.
Out of curiosity, what's the fascination with zombies in COD? Personally, I load up Left 4 Dead/2 if I need to annihilate thousands of zombies :)
Haven't noticed any change since the patch personally. Since I wasn't having any stuttering issues, I left the 'shader warming' option disabled.
The only problem I've had pre and post patch is low FPS in certain places. My old GTX 260 is struggling with this at 1920*1200.
Well my copy finally turned up today (Cheers Tesco :angry:)
Installed from disc quickly... no problems with Steam trying to download the whole game for me.
Played about 40 mins or so of multiplayer. Didn't have one single lag pause or any kind of rubber banding.
The only issue I do have is seriously poor FPS in certain places on maps. I'm assuming this is down to the performance bug in the game where it uses 100% of your CPU and therefore bottlenecks the graphics card?