There are 5,193 streaming out of a total of 5,862 servers. I'd say you should join a clan! Look out for |PBBHub| and a greeting to you. Most streaming servers have greetings enabled. That's one way of known your on a streaming server. Also, check the good servers websites out. They will most likely have a link or banner on there site to say they stream to PBB or another AC sites/service...
PBB streaming servers are the servers you should play on. PBBans uses enforced bans on players whom were caught cheating and whom are on our MBI, (Master Ban Index.) These cheaters cant join a streaming server. This makes your game play much more enjoyable. And FYI, streaming does not cause lag.
So my advice is; if your a player? Then join a clan that streams to Anti-Cheat Community's such as this one. If your a server admin? Then request help to set you up with streaming. There's no point in whining about a service you know nothing about how it actually works. Take the time to ask questions before making judgemental assumptions.
The war against cheaters will never end. It will always be us against them in a battle for fair play. What would you prefer us to do? Nothing?