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Everything posted by MHS

  1. MHS

    Windows Xp Sp3

    http://www.download.com/Windows-XP-Service...89.html?dl-blog :rolleyes:
  2. MHS

    welcome msg.

    Everything is possible, but if knew how to do that, it would be on my server too. Although this sounds good for players. I have no clue how to get it to display the player scores and kits. Etc... But to enable a greeting like the one you describe. Go to:http://www.pbbans.com/account/server.php Click "Modify" and under "Join Greeting" Type:Hello $CURRENT_NICK, (And your server message) If you ever find out what the codes to display such info -- enter it after "$CURRENT_NICK,". Please post the codes here if you know what they are... Anyway hope it helps. :)
  3. MHS

    Windows Xp Sp3

    All windows software is shit, I use Linux as my default OS, and only use XP for gaming... And in my opinion, if your version of windows is working. Do NOT apply patches from Microsoft! There all crap and they always screw up your machine in one way or another with there badly coded security patches too. My IE is stuck on ICQ as my homepage and i cant change it as the IE registry is corrupt. ;) Ye, windows :jam: Can you tell i am being sarcastic? :rolleyes:
  4. Your a loaner, you need to add some friends. :p

    Hope your well mate...

  5. Would have moved it but i am no mod fozzer. :P
  6. Ich habe nicht die Datei in diesem Verzeichnis. Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie nicht bedeuten: C: \ Program Files \ EA GAMES \ Battlefield 2 \ mods \ bf2 \ Settings \ ServerSettings.com? So oder so bin ich nicht ganz sicher, aber haben es ins Englische
  7. Hi, kann man sich ein wenig mehr Bestimmtes? Welches Spiel? Und wo ist der Speicherort der Datei? Bitte geben Sie so viele Informationen wie m
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