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Everything posted by Live

  1. Almost has me hoping... :lol: The nice thing is that the recording is available in game and able to net bans from them. I really hope this version offers the full gambit. :blink:
  2. Anything related to anti cheat/admin support will always be added for customers for each and every game. Without a doubt if there is something similar to the BF2142 demo recordings, we will definitely have that as part of this package.
  3. Oh that is going to get me in trouble...I just know it :blink:
  4. You peeps need to game more... :P
  5. :lol: Nice, just what I wanted was a picture of scantily clad women in my thread... :scratchchin: Now I might have to start selling those wonderful bags that occupy the pocket in front of your seat on the airplane!
  6. I was just trying to get you fired up again...makes for some good reads!
  7. Yep, once the 1st gets here we'll disable the additional 10%...more than likely that is, but I've been known to extend things once or twice :P However, the Pre-Order will maintain at $.75 per slot until the game is released and then it'll likely be at $.89 per slot if the resources hold true to previous COD and BF titles which I'm assuming it will.
  8. HSMagnet sometimes has a way with words or lack thereof :P but the intentions were simply for the better since many videos or links have reference information in them and unfortunately in some cases, curiousity kills the cat. Really the only thing you can do is disable downloads in your config with this one setting, set sv_allowdownload "0" and then doing what you did with changing the config name and using a strong rcon password.
  9. Thanks! I believe all of our customers will attest as to how fast we respond, that we do whatever we can to help, and that we strive to make sure everyone is treated fairly and most importantly to deliver quality. We're hoping to bring on quite a few customers with Black Ops and convert some of the COD4 and CODWAW customers from other providers so that is the reason we're giving away Black Ops. Once everyone gets a taste of our response times and attention they wonder where we've been for so long! :) One thing to note if/when you do sign up, we use Paypal subscriptions so your next payment would come out in a month unless you go into your Paypal account and cancel that after the Pre-Order. Sorry for the inconvenience but I thought about that just a bit ago and want to make sure to catch it now versus later and have something unexpected happen.
  10. "Your keeper", boy isn't that true...ducking now to avoid the pie being thrown at the back of my head
  11. Good questions and the Pre-Orders today didn't even bat an eye to ask any of this. I was outright amazed at the amount of orders that came in for this already so it really does look like it's going to be the game of the year and then some. I've seen more buzz around this game than both BC2 and MOH combined. Pre-Orders are all prepaid upon order. The nature of this is that it allows us to more efficiently market ourselves, get some initial buzz our way, and to also plan for the number of servers to a marginal degree to assure we have well more than enough resources to cater to everyone. There are no refunds unless dedicated server files aren't released. Another nature of the Pre-Order since both you and I are gambling. If we can't host it for you then we can't collect for it. Although, you surely know me by now and if someone is really dissatifsfied, I'd offer a full refund in a minute to make sure they leave at least happy as possible and we avoid a black eye. However, we always will let anyone transfer out to something else for only the difference in price. In this case if you had the 10% off with purchase that would be excluded. Basically to swap it to say COD4 for example, you'd only pay $.14 per slot difference from the $.75 per slot to the $.89 per slot. No hidden fees, transfer fees, etc. The slot price is for good for the life of the server whether you add slots, remove slots, add cpu affinity or cores, etc. The only price change that would ever come is from a cancellation and reactivation or purchasing a new one outside the sale. I hope that makes sense and answers all your questions bud. +1 for the excellent questions.
  12. For a limited time we're introducing the Call of Duty Black Ops Pre-Order Bonanza! From now through August 31st, we're offering Call of Duty Black Ops at $.75 per slot plus 5% off for a quarterly order, 10% off semi-annually, 15% off annually, 20% biennially, and 25% trienially. On top of this we're also offering an additional 10% any order placed for semi-annually or longer using coupon code "codbo" without the quotes. This means you could order a 32 slot server for a year at the unbelievable price of only $220.32 which is only $.57 per slot then!!! Free 10 slot TS3 and webhosting are still included as well! Dedicated servers, mod tools, console, and numerous other facts have been presented and with this we're proud to say this will be the game of the year! Get your in order now to capitalize and to ensure your up and running on release with the best hardware, best prices, and best support! The Pre-Order can be found here, http://billing.lowpinggameservers.com/cart.php?a=add&pid=476 Thanks, Low Ping Game Servers
  13. I played Starcraft for a long time and absolutely loved it. I was an addict for sometime which is the reason I never allowed myself to play WOW. In a week or so I'm hoping to pick this up but I'm going to find some software that overrides my foolish desire to play until the fingers bleed... :lol:
  14. Well not just that as the connection is flashed across the screen for a few seconds when the download starts to happen. It wouldn't be very difficult for someone to just print screen it either. I most sincerely wouldn't recommend it nor would I recommend offering the download from the box that the game server is on in any fashion.
  15. Good of you to realize that you made a mistake as we all make them. May I add that apologies that contain the word "but" though aren't generally seen as sincere and/or taken seriously typically. The reason is that a certain action, belief, behavior, reasoning, etc. are still being held and the apology/apologies just aren't sincere but seem to come from guilt or envy. Had you left out the but from your above post, I believe you would have conveyed a more positive, sincere, and rewarding apology. Just food for thought for future reference.
  16. Don't know if this would work but you could try this changing it to your specific information where you place your download link.in the config. fp://username:[email protected]/pathtomodfolder
  17. Permagrin huh? :lol:
  18. Too bad you have a rabbit as an avatar so I don't believe this graphic for one minute... :lol:
  19. Very cool! B)
  20. lmao, you crack me up! :D
  21. Currently you can search for Hardcore, Semi-Hardcore, or Non Hardcore. No way to search for whether minimap is on or off.
  22. We've got it setup as a one click mod install for customers and I have to say it's pretty intense. They've got a ton of time invested in this and it's just fantastic. The amount of detail and design put into this is amazing. I might find myself getting back into COD4 as I forgot simply how much fun this game still is. HSMagnet, hit me up on Live Chat on my website, shoot me a PM here, or xfire 1xfactor and I'll help walk you through the setup on your server.
  23. OK, you beat me ;)
  24. Looking good, I can't wait until it's here and hopefully things don't change from what's been stated thus far.
  25. How many games are you looking to run, which games, and what slot amounts? Many assume they want to go the dedicated route so they control the box for additional tools or something else they want to use alongside game servers. If there is no need for that then your probably better off with quite a few rented servers still fairing out a bit better than going with a dedicated. This also helps allow you to drop one or two and/or pick up one or two more to meet the needs of the clan/group/community throughout the various times of the year. Please post up what it is you'd like to run and it would be a bit easier to steer you in the right direction. ;)
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