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*TNA* Exterminator

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Everything posted by *TNA* Exterminator

  1. I'm guessing the game of your server is COD4 correct?
  2. Thanks guys. Spread the word make sure you post the link to the group in your own clan forums.
  3. Sign up anyways bro. LOL :)
  4. Anyone who also feels that Valve shouldn't be bringing out a new Left 4 Dead and charging us for it sign up. http://steamcommunity.com/groups/L4D2boycott
  5. Make sure you speak to a mangare at Paypal most likely the basic person isn't going to be able to do anything for you. You will probably have to fight with them. But its still money that you should have back. I am sure others are appealing to paypal as well about the company if it went under.
  6. Yea I prefer Left 4 Dead over Killing Floor. Some of my clan mates may disagree with me on it. But I think Left 4 Dead just runs smoother.
  7. Holy thread revival is right. There may be an Italian language pack. Maydax probably hasn't seen this post yet.
  8. Your best bet would be to call and speak to a manager at Paypal.
  9. There was no need for you to create a new forum acct to bypass the blacklist. Please post up your server Ip and we will assist you.
  10. The server is currectly not streaming via pbbans. Please try the link below. http://www.pbbans.com/webtool.php
  11. Ip of the server would help me to assist you? If your server is streaming the forum upgrade is automated every few hours.
  12. Some people are just never happy. :) I think I might go play some W@W. Any admins got their server patched yet?
  13. nice to see at least one company puts patches out.
  14. You aren't on any banlist as far as I can tell. Check your pbbans.dat file on your server to make sure that GUID isn't in the banlist file.
  15. Yea give us your guid and we will look into it. You can get your guid by typing pb_myguid in the console of the game as long as you are in an punkbuster enabled server. If you don't want to post your guid in the public you can pm it to me.
  16. Hi welcome to Pbbans. If you have any questions at all don't hesitate to ask.
  17. Following those steps Lucky posted will take you to where you can edit the payment. Everything except the cancel button :)
  18. You have to edit your subsription in your paypal account itself. Thats where it controls where the money is taken from. At least thats what I had to do when I need to change where a payment is being taken from.
  19. LOL Powned.
  20. LOL umm no more than usual. :lol:
  21. We know all about this bug. Its pretty well known.
  22. Iphone FTW. nothing like playing Wolfenstien 3D while in Class :)
  23. LOL I knew someone would post without reading the whole topic. Classic. :)
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