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Everything posted by Piggy

  1. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/punkbuster-coming-to-all-points-bulletin-t120984.html
  2. I hope it wont end up like Singularity's god awful multiplayer.
  3. Thanks guys :)

  4. Black Screenshots with Avast Antivirus menu Solid Black Screenshots (B0) Solid Black Screenshots (B1) Non-Bannable Screenshots Also there is a private section for a reason, don't need to be posting in the public area if you are an SGA.
  5. http://www.cnn.com/2010/SHOWBIZ/TV/05/28/obit.gary.coleman/index.html?eref=igoogle_cnn
  6. So I was out today, heading home. I get in the turn lane, and look out the window, I see this black car with his left turn signal on. I think to myself "Um.. Something is wrong with this picture." I'll post the pics and see if anyone can figure it out.
  7. Your gonna have to be taken off the account, just wait for an Admin to assist you.
  8. Nice skin, now I just have a feeling this will cause more people to go "ZOMG HACK MENU" on PBSS.
  9. ;) you too man.

  10. Just an FYI to everyone who hasn't played the Beta, game is a blast.
  11. Ya I'd presume it would be hard considering no one can touch the server.
  12. Any chances of this getting streaming or no MMO streaming?
  13. I lol'd at how ironic this is.
  14. Why not post in the private area so you CAN post the configs...
  15. Piggy

    Modern Warfare 3

    Direct IP connection required for PC :P
  16. Photoshopped this earlier for lulz.
  17. Most likely has to do with what the code contains, to prevent it from breaking/exploiting the board.
  18. <?php function hello() { echo "Hello World!"; } ?> Works for me...
  19. Just an FYI, if you want to post code next time just use the code tags in your post. Example: <html> <head><title>LOL</title></head> <body> <p>BLARG</p> </body> </html>
  20. Have you updated PunkBuster?
  21. Let me summarize what Pisi just said in my wording. Your Founder is full of shit and your better off finding a better community. P.S.
  22. Score per minute: 1 408.13 Kinda obvious there :rolleyes:
  23. He's probably just stat padding anyway.... :rolleyes:
  24. He needs to add you to the Team Account, which is fairly simple, once he does that you will have access to the private area.
  25. If your server was streaming we have a forum to request these things.
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