Ow... suckers who bought MoH LE got the shaft. A whole 48 hour "early" access to the beta for $50.
Well, thought i posted earlier and pbbans went down again.
I Verified today, but it's alright guys, i may not get to play the alpha. But, it's the finished product i'm more worried about. :P
I have a vet status of 3.
I clicked the origin link, the recieve newsletters wasn't checked. I was subscribed to the battlefield 3 newsletter though... oh well, guess i'll just have to wait for the beta.
I could possibly see recon with automatics, but better not be seeing them with shotguns. After playing BF2 so long it was messed up trying to knife a sniper, only to have them turn around and blast you with a shotty. :angry:
Nice, now... Increase squad size, remove 3d spotting, keep killcam off, give back at karkand to everyone, and future DLC to everyone. I know the last one is doubtful, but it can't hurt to dream right?
Well the latest stream was a big waste of time.
Couple things were confirmed...
Quick Knife. Fail
Mapname: Operation Oilfields (It's in one of the videos)
Mapname: Rolling Thunder (Tank level)
Platoons = Clans, another fail, so 4 f***ing man squads.
Yea DICE does great listening to the community. Bulls***!