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Everything posted by Jaythegreat1

  1. Ow... suckers who bought MoH LE got the shaft. A whole 48 hour "early" access to the beta for $50. http://blogs.battlefield.ea.com/battlefield_bad_company/archive/2011/08/04/presenting-all-pre-order-offers-for-battlefield-3-limited-edition.aspx
  2. Yea I think they're referring to some sort of DRM. But what bugs me more would be buying items for real money.
  3. Well, thought i posted earlier and pbbans went down again. ANYWHOS I Verified today, but it's alright guys, i may not get to play the alpha. But, it's the finished product i'm more worried about. :P
  4. I have a vet status of 3. I clicked the origin link, the recieve newsletters wasn't checked. I was subscribed to the battlefield 3 newsletter though... oh well, guess i'll just have to wait for the beta.
  5. Nah, done tried a bunch, oh well... by the time I can d/l it anyhow, it will be August 1st. :lol:
  6. Well the alpha played prett... oh who the hell am I kidding, I didn't get an alpha invite... :mellow:
  7. Noticed it said PWP was part of 3-set theme pack? I'm assuming they will make all 3 available for free after a certain period of time?
  8. Along with a 99% pbss success rate instead of .99% success.
  9. I could possibly see recon with automatics, but better not be seeing them with shotguns. After playing BF2 so long it was messed up trying to knife a sniper, only to have them turn around and blast you with a shotty. :angry:
  10. And so far... no claywhores, hope it stays that way.
  11. Nice, now... Increase squad size, remove 3d spotting, keep killcam off, give back at karkand to everyone, and future DLC to everyone. I know the last one is doubtful, but it can't hurt to dream right?
  12. Reviews so far have been pretty bad. So disappointing....
  13. Oh yea FrostBite 2, everything a bigger and better with a MASSIVE SQUAD OF..... 4 people. :blink:
  14. Which would require 3 additional patches to actually fix it AND un-f**k anything they broke :P
  15. Yeah... but with DICE's recent track record.... not going to get my hopes up. Maybe they'll prove me wrong on it.
  16. I think they've already said arming/disarming and picking up a kit will be two different buttons.
  17. Well the latest stream was a big waste of time. Couple things were confirmed... Quick Knife. Fail Mapname: Operation Oilfields (It's in one of the videos) Mapname: Rolling Thunder (Tank level) Platoons = Clans, another fail, so 4 f***ing man squads. Yea DICE does great listening to the community. Bulls***!
  18. 6. And you could only spawn on Squad Leader. It should be at least 6.. if not 8 like you suggested.
  19. Yea a squad leader helps... but still, when you have a big clan, in bf2 it was awesome to roll in a 6 man clan squad.
  20. 4 man squads...... f****ing h*** DICE. :moodeath:
  21. As long as it shows you on the minimap or something that you can't revive them, I don't see it being too much of a problem.
  22. Yeah, been hearing that too. About the only bad news so far. I've heard no auto-knife, and possibly an opt out of revive feature.
  23. I wouldn't give an F yet for the BETA. If there are no closed BETA's prior to the September open BETA... then yea a F- would be right.
  24. Looks like Rush is in BF3. Maybe with Big Maps it won't be as bad as bc2.
  25. eh.... great....
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