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Everything posted by Jaythegreat1

  1. As much as I look forward to BF3... I can't help but know that DICE will keep finding ways to screw the pooch on it.
  2. Think I read somewhere that Bach said they aren't giving any details on MP, since they are changing things about every-day... hopefully for the good.
  3. that pbss is old and has already been blown to hell. :P
  4. Ahhh a nice day at Hooters. Hot Wings, Hot ladies, helicopters blowing shit up. :P
  5. Well that sucks to hear... guess I should've checked here before wasting time/bandwidth downloading the game. Guess I'll try it out anyways since im somewhat close to being done downloading it. Maybe the single player will be good :P. I enjoyed the original campaign for the most part.
  6. I will pre-order too... been waiting for this for a long time. Heck... I was going to pre-order before "Back at Karkand" was announced. Just haven't gotten around to doing it yet.
  7. Ran smooth for me on first attempt.
  8. The 4 maps for the expansion pack have been revealed. http://forums.electronicarts.co.uk/battlefield-3/1392330-what-maps-back-karkand-discussion-2.html Wake Island, Strike at Karkand, Gulf of Oman and Sharqi Peninsula.
  9. If you scroll down the page (after you validate) it shows what each file is.. so it looks like the .iso is an update for all of them. 7601.17514.101119-1850_Update_Sp_Wave1-GRMSP1.1_DVD.iso - This DVD image contains standalone update for all architectures. windows6.1-KB976932-X86.exe - This application installs Sp1 to a 32-bit machine running Windows 7. windows6.1-KB976932-X64.exe - This application installs Sp1 to a 64-bit machine running Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2. Windows_Win7SP1.7601.17514.101119-1850.X86FRE.Symbols.msi - Standalone debugging symbols (free) for 32-bit machines. Windows_Win7SP1.7601.17514.101119-1850.X86CHK.Symbols.msi - Standalone debugging symbols (checked) for 32-bit machines. Windows_Win7SP1.7601.17514.101119-1850.AMD64FRE.Symbols.msi - Standalone debugging symbols (free) for 64-bit machines. This contains debugging symbols for both Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1. Windows_Win7SP1.7601.17514.101119-1850.AMD64CHK.Symbols.msi - Standalone debugging symbols (checked) for 64-bit machines. This contains debugging symbols for both Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1.
  10. If EA couldn't fool me to buy a $50 dollar BF3 BETA Key er heem MOH. Then I sure as hell ain't gonna buy MOH 2. :rolleyes:
  11. I've noticed maps (like Oasis) Start to really lag when all the buildings are destroyed. Compared to maps say.. Heavy Metal where only a couple buildings collapse doesn't seem to lag. Also, Vietnam runs a lot smoother than Vanilla BC2.. just that my clan doesn't seem to enjoy the game. I share that same fear Maydax.. hopefully they don't pile too much into the "eye-candy" side of things that take-away from performance of the game. What good does it do to have a game look awesome, if it plays like crap?
  12. I made the jump from Wolf to Gameservers as well... bf2 server was crashing multiple times everyday. Long ticket responses, and a lot of negative reviews from the AoW that bought them. Not to mention Gameservers was a lot cheaper (i guess due to overloaded boxes ) I know a lot of people don't like Gameservers, especially after the CoDBO fiasco. But I haven't had too many problems with them.
  13. I think this was the main reason our clan couldn't ever get a WaW server going. These servers that give max points would be the only ones running... Funny how these companies don't learn.
  14. Because we dream of the next great game... only to have our dreams crushed, shattered, burned, and flushed down the toilet.
  15. Lots of customers already demanding refunds for servers.. *sarcasm* such a shame.... /sarcasm
  16. One of the few reasons I actually somewhat enjoyed WAW over the Modern Warfare garbage.
  17. Such a shame, if this was like WAW.. i might've considered it. I actually enjoyed WAW a bit. Just couldn't get the clan involved with it.
  18. Yea so much for that BC2 killer eh... now lets see how DICE screws up Vietnam and BF3.
  19. Well isn't EA Sport's deal whhere they have exclusive rights to make NFL games kind of similar..? I don't see much being done about that either.
  20. According to Gameservers Staff, it was the developers decision to only let them rent 18 slots. I'm guessing the cheaper price is a pre-order special. If some of you do decide to go ahead and order one, you oughta click the banner in my sig before ordering :P . It would be appreciated.
  21. Yea it also looks like you can only run 18 players in ranked servers. No more... no less (not sure why you would want to run less anyways). Think Treyarch must've watched DICE a little too much in screwing up what could've been a good product (not that I liked CoD series anyways).
  22. Hell yes!! Nice to see DICE came to their senses, now I feel pretty confident that this will bury that pile of shit known as MW2 into the ground :D.
  23. Yes this game is much better than that other game.. what was it... Camp of Something.. I dunno I forgot.
  24. The only thing keeping server files private did was piss off the pbbans community.
  25. Without ranks, you wouldn't have to worry about stat-padding, won't have to worry about getting your account reset, won't have to worry about someone spoofing your account and jacking it up a 4-star. Really the only point to spoof then would to try to get players alias banned, then have them banned from servers run by uneducated/uninformed admins. I wouldn't put a lot of money on DICE to do the right thing here. It only took them what, 2 years to put out patch 1.50. Which fixed a "few" bugs, and completely changed the game-play with prone-deviation. Still didn't fix squad bugs (kind of hard to use teamwork, when you can't make squads), still didn't fix hit detection (maybe improved a little, but not enough). These problems will probably never get fixed because I don't expect a patch 1.51. Was really looking forward to BC2, but I'm worried that DICE is going to do everything in it's power, to screw up what could have been a great-game.
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