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Everything posted by Lluuu

  1. Hab Dir eine pm geschickt.
  2. Hi! If you have your own server it's quite simple :) Not sure which rcon tool you're using, but if it's procon just go to the console, then punkbuster tab. Procon is executing pb_sv_plist in regular intervals - just copy your GUID from there. If you're using a different rcon tool type in pb_sv_plist and it should return your name with GUID and IP. You could also look in the pb logs stored in the svlogs folder of your server.
  3. Hi! Not sure why you got that error. The server wasn't streaming to us. I added it to your account for you. It's streaming already :) All the best, Lluuu
  4. I've merged the topics. Can you please either create a menu item with a full list of your roster or put a sticky topic on your forum and send me the link (topic has to be kept up to date)? Thanks, Lluuu
  5. Can you please post a separate topic for your issues? If you answer pinned topics with your questions they might easily be overlooked. (no need to do that right now as, but for future posting ;)) @ Bejecas The screenshot questions haven't been discussed in the open forums on PBBans, but they are working in BF3 (a few return black, but that's the natural spread). We have an information center that contains all sorts of information related to streaming. Our beginner's guide will tell you how to set up streaming and give you an overview of the important bits you have to know about PunkBuster and PBBans. Link is here: http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-beginnersguide.html From what I gather by looking at your account here you seem to be a member of *AdA*. They have a streaming team here - just talk to them, I'm sure they will tell you more about it. @ RedRumy3 You need to apply for a streaming account. Please read http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-beginnersguide.html - a few lines down it says "joining PBBans" Please make sure you meet the streaming requirements (listed when you click "sign up for a team account") before putting in the application. If either of you have any questions just visit our support center and post in the respective topic.
  6. Hi! Vielleicht hilft bei Deinen Servern der Weg
  7. Hi! Euer Server streamt wieder. Kann es sein, dass er vielleicht ein paar Tage offline war? Gr
  8. Hi! Du bist gerade aus IRC rausgegangen, als ich Dir geantwortet habe. Um Deinen Server hier zu streamen musst Du eine team application einreichen. Hier ist der Link dazu: http://www.pbbans.com/account_application.php. Solltest Du damit Probleme haben schreib einfach, wir helfen Dir weiter. Alle Informationen, die Du uns daf
  9. Deleting the pb folder from the game installation directory won't help. The files have to be stored in the correct folder in your user profile in Windows. The place where the PB files are stored is in the local folder (see post #5) C:\Users\Rohan\AppData\Local\ .... would be the correct path As long as pbsvc tells you that something in C:\Users\Rohan\AppData\Roaming\ ..... is stored the issue cannot be resolved. my PB directory where the files are stored: C:\Users\xy\AppData\Local\PunkBuster\BC2\pb\ (also check file sizes!) I've looked for more information, many solutions out there. First, check your user permissions in Windows. Is your profile an Administrator or a Roaming profile? Many people reported that copying the pb files into the correct folder (see above) helped - maybe worth a shot. Others said they completely uninstalled the game and went into the registry and manually removed all entires related to the game that were still left in there, restarted their computer and reinstalled the game ... then it worked correctly. Another possible fix http://www.pbbans.com/forums/call-of-duty4-failurepnkbstrbexe-driver-failurepnkbstrksysffab-t38770.html (different game and different operating system, but also worth a try), read post #6. For some people one way works, for others a different one to fix the same problem.
  10. that's the path to the folder where the game is installed in (on your drive D). Have you run pbsetup.exe or didn't you take that step? Did you add an exception for PB in Bitdefender (see that you have it on your computer)? That's a possible source of problems.
  11. Think the problem is the path PB services are being installed to - which in your case is C:\Users\Rohan\AppData\Roaming\PnkBstrK.sys It won't work as long as it is going to the Roaming folder, it has to be in the Local folder. -> C:\Users\Rohan\AppData\Local\ Run pbsvc as administrator and uninstall PB services completely. Then go here http://www.pbbans.com/information.php?page=pbsetup and follow the steps.
  12. It sounds like Punkbuster isn't properly installed/updated on your computer. That happens sometimes, but EB provided a nice tool that can help you update their services properly. Go to http://www.punkbuster.com/index.php?page=pbsvcfaq.php. It's their FAQ. The post that's important for you is the first one. Download http://www.evenbalance.com/downloads/pbsvc/pbsvc.exe (that's the direct download link), save it to your desktop and run it. If you still have problems afterwards just post back.
  13. looks like they're up already! http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/servers/?filtered=1&expand=1&gameexpansions=&q=&gamemodes=&regions=&slots=&gamepresets=&ranked=&punkbuster=&maps=%7CMP_007 I think I know what I'll be doing this evening ;)
  14. Hi! When I tried to look at your member list I got this error message: I also didn't find the server information. Could you please make a clan member list (can also be a sticky post on the forum) and the server information public? From our streaming requirements: Thank you, Lluuu
  15. It is streaming already :) Just go to http://account.pbbans.com/server.php and you'll see both your servers in there (both streaming at the moment).
  16. You need to contact your clan leader about being added to the existing streaming team.
  17. here too: http://www.multiplaygameservers.com/game-servers/bf3-battlefield-3/
  18. Looks like you're missing a part of the punkbuster files. (I had the same problem) This should fix your problem: http://www.evenbalance.com/downloads/pbsvc/pbsvc.exe It'll detect the path for your pb installation by itself and will run the checks after. next time please open a new topic ;) Post back if you got it to work
  19. alle BC2 server sind im Moment offline. http://twitter.com/#!/EA_Battlefield "Maintenance is being done on BC2 servers right now. Expected time online is 1 hour."
  20. noch einfacher geht es, wenn Du FTP Zugriff auf die pbsv.cfg hast ;) danach pb_sv_restart nicht vergessen!
  21. verified "No" bedeuted, dass sich Deine Teammitglieder noch nie in den Account Manager (http://account.pbbans.com/index.php) eingeloggt haben. Sobald sie das gemacht haben, sollten sie als verified angezeigt werden.
  22. Hi, sent you a pm. :)
  23. awww thx! :)

  24. wie Pisi schon gesagt hat - auf die modifizierte config, die von PBBans zu Verf
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