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Everything posted by Lluuu

  1. Hello! Maybe first of all .... how old your sons are or what you allow them to do is your thing - I think most of us played games before we were allowed to play them ;) I've seen 15 year-olds with 1,5 years of BF2 experience play better than 40 year old men with 3+ years BF2 experience, some are just good at the game. If you want to check if your sons are cheating, it's best you stand behind them while they are playing and look at their screens. Most cheats have some kind of overlay or alter parts of the game (e.g. you can see an aritificial crosshair, vehicles show up in funky colors, you can see where everybody is on the map, ....) As to prove it to the clan - this might get tricky. They can take pb screenies of you and your sons (I hope they don't come back black) and check you out on PBBans, watch you play ingame (spectate you) and if they have battlerecorder use the demos to observe you further. But - and this is a big BUT - if you get accused of cheating in a clan I'd definitely reconsider hanging around there for much longer. It certainly makes a difference whether that person accusing you or your sons is the leader or another clan member. In the end though you'll always be their suspect and until they're better than you they will keep accusing you of cheating. That's the typical case of "I can't lose" and there's nothing you can do about it. I think the staff will help you further :)
  2. Adminmap is still in development. The Alpha test has been running for a long time now and as far as I know they're not accepting more people into the closed test - Qsek, the developer, is not on at the moment, but you could try and sign up. Make sure you read the forums first ;)
  3. wow, pretty cool you still have that MaydaX ;) I like the line "cheaters - it's the last time you'll play"
  4. just wanted to drop a hello!

    I'm pretty busy with Uni at the moment, but should be back in action in June at the latest ;)

    Hope you're doing fine!!

  5. see that's what happens when I'm not around for a while ;)

    big fat congrats from me, although it's a little late. Sorry!

    Hope I can find some time to catch up with you on IRC!

  6. YAY the super sleuth :D

    still my favourite!

  7. been playing with cropped screen for a long time. might give the widescreenfixer a shot :) thanks!
  8. you don't neccessarily need a widescreen fixer. Create a new shortcut to the BF2.exe on your desktop and put this in target: [game directory]\BF2.exe +menu 1.15 +fullscreen 1 +szx 1920 +szy 1200 (for 24") [game directory]\BF2.exe +menu 1.15 +fullscreen 1 +szx 1680 +szy 1050 (for 22") it's almost as good as the widescreen fixer. The only effect you get that the screen is slightly cut off at the top and bottom. Give it a shot and see if it works for you.
  9. Ich hoffe Deine Aussage ist selbstironisch gemeint, denn ich habe Dir eine detaillierte Liste gegeben, mit deren Hilfe, wenn Du sie Schritt f
  10. Hey Roland, der Vollst
  11. Mit ein paar server admins is das so eine Sache, manche bannen Dich schon, wenn sie viele IPs sehen, die durch eine dynamische IP-Verteilung des Providers zustande kommen. Spreche da aus eigener Erfahrung, is traurig, aber kann man in den meisten F
  12. direkt in Deiner Account Bewerbung (siehe Lucky_Fr4gg3rs post) wird danach gefragt. Frohes Basteln!
  13. ice get audacity http://audacity.sourceforge.net/download/ set audacity so that it records the sound being played on your computer (not microphone) and record it. ;) If you don't have that feature for your soundcard send it to me, I'll record it for you. I'll hop on Vent when I come home this evening!
  14. Ich habe nichts von einer
  15. Hat sich wohl erledigt ;) Willkommen!
  16. Thanks for what you've done to keep up the fun and fairness for online gaming! Family always comes first, although PBBans is almost like a big family ;) All the best to you in the future and I hope you stop by from time to time.
  17. custom built - not the latest stuff Case: Chieftec CS-601 (5 years old) Motherboard: Gigabyte P35-DS3P Processor: Core 2 Duo E6750 @ 2,66 Memory: 2 GB Kingston HyperX DDR2 800 @ 4 4-4-12 Hard Drive: 2x Samsung HD 502 IJ Video Card: Zotac AMP
  18. congrats to the promotion!!! ;D

  19. Thanks guys and girls for all you've done. I love the service you provide and at the same time rely on it to ensure our server is running smooth. Never once was there any reason to believe you stepped over the line or did something that was intolerable. If the HUB is down for another 12 or even 24 hours ... well, so be it - that doesn't concern me. The most important thing is that you do it right, not in a rush, cause that's when mistakes come in and at this point, just because some people are impatient and try to put pressure on you, it is not worth taking any risks concerning hardware or data. And I bet every single SGA knows (or say should know) how to deal with hackers. Just stick to the drill/routine and maybe spend a little more time than usual watching over your servers. It's real easy. @ the staff: keep it up! You're awesome
  20. well .... like ice said already - see things in a positive way. And pls don't take this the wrong way if I say that, but V tried to contact and help you, but since you obviously think that pretty much everything he says or writes is not genuine enough for you to believe .... just wondering how 444 people could be wrong. In the end it's your decision if you roll with it or not, would be nice though if you kept any quarrel/hatred on a strictly private level and not post stuff which looks pretty much like double meaning to me in a public forum. I still believe that the concept of helping each other irrespective of the past is the ideal that should prevail.
  21. Lluuu

    MBI Ranks

    sweet - I'm a little surprised though that BF2 is 3 years old and has a lot less bans than CoD4 .... ;)
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