Odd i use Auto Hotkey to moderate an online game Desert operations & have it running whilst in game yet never been banned i stream to PBBANS & GGC yet never been banned so how is that possible ?...
; Helps
::m1:: /sticky
::m2:: /unsticky
::h1:: You can send a Support Ticket here: http://www.looki.co.uk/support/newticket.php?category=28
::h2:: Everyone has a opinion, whatever it may be, this chat is not the place to air your personal views. Please stop the discussion, thanks
::h3:: Please keep the chat topics related to the game as this is the game chat and not a private chat room. Thank you
::h4:: Please read the game manual here http://wiki.desert-operations.com/uk/index.php/Main_Page
::h5:: Please read chat rules and Game GTBS here http://uk.desert-operations.com/wiki and in the forums here http://www.looki.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=989
::h6:: Please stop. To over emphasize words or names by adding redundant extra letters and/or special characters is annoying and disturbs the chat.
; Warnings
::a1:: No alliance recruiting please in this Room . Please use the Alliances chat lobby or PM.
::s1:: Swearing is against the rules. Even using **'s or abreviations in place of bad words is against the rules, and will result in you being muted.
::c1:: Dont use caps please, its considered shouting and is against the rules, and can result in you being muted.
And there has been once or twice i spammed my server by mistake with auto hotkey so how is it only some were getting banned ?.(out of interest)