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jimbouk1977 last won the day on November 22 2009

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About jimbouk1977

  • Birthday 01/05/1977

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    PC's, Vaping,and Gaming.
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    ENGLISH- Gamer Till I Die
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    Call of Duty 4
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  1. Hope thins run better with the new host Great to have you back up & online again :party0049:
  2. Odd i use Auto Hotkey to moderate an online game Desert operations & have it running whilst in game yet never been banned i stream to PBBANS & GGC yet never been banned so how is that possible ?... ; Helps ; ::m1:: /sticky ::m2:: /unsticky ::h1:: You can send a Support Ticket here: http://www.looki.co.uk/support/newticket.php?category=28 ::h2:: Everyone has a opinion, whatever it may be, this chat is not the place to air your personal views. Please stop the discussion, thanks ::h3:: Please keep the chat topics related to the game as this is the game chat and not a private chat room. Thank you ::h4:: Please read the game manual here http://wiki.desert-operations.com/uk/index.php/Main_Page ::h5:: Please read chat rules and Game GTBS here http://uk.desert-operations.com/wiki and in the forums here http://www.looki.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=989 ::h6:: Please stop. To over emphasize words or names by adding redundant extra letters and/or special characters is annoying and disturbs the chat. ::h7:: ::h8:: ; ; Warnings ; ; ::a1:: No alliance recruiting please in this Room . Please use the Alliances chat lobby or PM. ; ::s1:: Swearing is against the rules. Even using **'s or abreviations in place of bad words is against the rules, and will result in you being muted. ; ::c1:: Dont use caps please, its considered shouting and is against the rules, and can result in you being muted. And there has been once or twice i spammed my server by mistake with auto hotkey so how is it only some were getting banned ?.(out of interest)
  3. Hi its been a while since i first ran a BFBC2 server & i cant seem to make HC & FF work in the server cfg's T.I.A.
  4. Whats the third in the series. I thought the 3rd was Crysis 2 ? (not being rude) if there is something ive missed I want to know as the SP is great in Crysis. I only have Crysis & Warhead but the MP did suck as said above but that said SP did look sweet when it came out in DX10 & everything turned way way up or "Enthusiast" as they called it in Crysis.
  5. Yeah i know & that's the link ive used for god knows how long and worked fine up untill other day as said in my OP it's not a biggy just making the webmaster aware of it (Maydax I presume)
  6. Insert BFBC2 where MOH is as well :) Good vid shame they are using another poor port as the game that is suppose to be better:blink: LOL
  7. Getting this error when i use my bookmark from before the update using the url [nofollow] http://www.pbbans.com/forums/forums.html [/nofollow] An Error Occurred Sorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files for more information. [#404] Sorry, we could not locate the page you are requesting to view. Please click here to return back to the forum's home Just a question of re-bookmarking or you could do a redirect to that URL either way not a biggy
  8. Same i agree but i also blame our Gov in the UK all this Political correctness and you can't slap your own child in my day if i had walked up to an adult and said FO to them my parents would have chastised me and then the person i said it to would have got an apology (not that i did that kind of thing) But these days i hear mothers swearing at their kids telling them to F-ing this & f-ing that of just being vulgar in general so the kids know no different then they get online & scream their heads of with profanities i normally tell them to grow up or just kick them from the server TBH i cant stand being talked to like that from someone who is my junior some parents even find it funny that their kids do this kind of thing an actively encourage it, they should all be sterilised IMO. Wow I sound like a right-wing extremist
  9. yeah i know all that watch the Vid i put in before your post But thanks anyway (dont make me go Mr S Jacksin gif on you now)
  10. Looks like might be worth buying i hope as he said they work on Sims for US Gov that means the engine might work as it says on the tin from the off. Shame its only 8 v 8 seems to be the only Down side "Whats the engine called again ?" ( joke ) Nice find Maydax Also did you find anything on that six days in Fallujah he was on about ? EDIT: (its 3rd person) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0oOGjEATjw & LOL to the News report
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