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Everything posted by HSMagnet

  1. http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-view-unofficial-ban-13729.html there you go uMBi lucky for you it was on a lite streaming server. only those admin that choose to enforce the uMBi will be keeping you off their server
  2. anyone playing this? i have 3 toons. one leveled to 60 with tier 1 gear (mostly) and a bony pet
  3. he says he has "RESTRICTION: Disallowed Program/Driver" kick. not the same you say " kick 90026 " are you sure yours wasn't a "#9002 - MD5 Tool check " ? the exact message is needed
  4. HSMagnet


    welcome to Islam
  5. +1 good eye i usually assume staged. like "reality" tv.... still funny
  6. we are not Even Balance, the developers of PunkBuster have you tried playing on servers not running PB? you will never get spawned ;) most people cheat because they are so bad at the game they cannot keep up to mediocre standards high KDR =/= cheat try playing on servers that actually stream to us http://www.pbbans.com/msi-server-list-bfbc2-36.html you did not meet streaming requirements when you applied in 2011. now we have lite streaming, at least you would have basic coverage from PBBansHub http://www.pbbans.com/forums/pbbans-lite-streaming-now-available-t161764.html/
  7. if you want to here about the game, NDA or not, just drop into a voice server with a AA channel... no NDA tightens up loose lips...
  8. welcome & thank you for donation have you seen the information page on applying to stream? http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-beginnersguide.html
  9. new steamland map is pretty fun
  10. this was 4 years ago....
  11. team is now active and you are clear to add servers please be aware the hub will automatically deactivate any team that has not streamed in seven days
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