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Everything posted by HSMagnet

  1. i don't know how cold it was once in the army, but i had to put a guy's frostbit feet inside my shirt coat etc until the medics got there... happy holidays!
  2. dude, just find another server to play on. why would you subject yourself to that obvious abuse? local bans are just that "local" server only server owners can ban whoever they want for any or even no reason you do not have a ban here or a global ban with Even Balance i would manually update PunkBuster http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=pbsetup.php and never look back at that server or their forums just for the record
  3. -25C is -13F so that is pretty cold we have had frost a grand total of 4 times so far....
  4. http://steamcommunity.com/app/224420/discussions/2/846938351126445381/
  5. rofl i bought brink for 5 bucks and use it for a beer coaster still in the original wrapper
  6. i know plenty of people that would lose control of their bodily functions in that situation
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LgcDpTH47g
  8. ground/home delivery drivers are sub contractors and will leave packages they do not want to deliver on the docks. they get paid per package delivered and one out of their way costs them money
  9. you can add the checks we have to issue restriction kicks check the MCi
  10. totally up to you. no definite answer that i know of i think it is in the same class as no-fog or unlocked view distance
  11. never i get TK'd almost as much by vehicles as the OPFOR shoots me
  12. Tutti a tavola a mangiare!
  13. when they give new keys to everyone that whines about being hijacked, they are accepting some blame
  14. i like it there was/is a queue problem
  15. i never finished the first one. got stuck on the forklift
  16. i think you are mistaken on a couple of things 1. we ban GUIDs that were used to cheat. yours was. no doubt. doesn't matter who did it. 2. please do not confuse PBBans with Even Balance the developers of PunkBuster software. your GUID triggered a violation on an IP in the Ukraine. here is their response to your appeal we are the 3rd party ban list administrators and we do not lift bans on valid violations. period
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