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Everything posted by HSMagnet

  1. yeah, the hitboxes were about right....
  2. @wickysnip-NNB the real problem is that the population for unranked is historically, abysmally small. players want to play the whole game which includes ranking and collecting shiny things. people won't reallly want to play unranked until they are bored with ranked. just like cod4 and codww and modded servers if they weren't trying to gouge for $60.00, i really won't mind so much.
  3. yeah i mean pubbing alone. rarely do i see team play. usually the closest thing to team play is clanners on opposite teams ghosting out ppl after they die when playing with friends it is a different story.
  4. +1 "team play" :lol: never see it, hears lots about it looking forward to DIII clickety clickety goodness myself
  5. CQB is "the grand your of duty" (sic) urban, street to street, apartment to apartment, room to room sure there are still wide open expanses where targets are picked off @800m+ and then you hop into a vehicle, drive over there and t-bag while your squaddies film it .
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=dFH5TfLnovM#t=29s
  7. EA Defends Cop Killing in Battlefield 3 man you just can't make this stuff up.....:lol:
  8. i need to send that to my dad......
  9. ;-) its ok, RO2:HoS isn't fairing much better. i had such hopes...
  10. *insert not surprised face*
  11. lol didn't realize forbes was employing trolls
  12. oh, he knew it was close for sometime he worked till the end, basically
  13. attribute is a lost art what ever happened to citing sources and giving credit where credit is due?
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6l4dAHKL-E
  15. http://www.apple.com/stevejobs/ If you would like to share your thoughts, memories, and condolences, please email [email protected]
  16. updated when i upgraded FF +1
  17. would be harsh to get banned for playing the beta.....
  18. well on their way to making BF a web browser only game...
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