for on 2011-01-28 16:02:43
Position FAIL The Activision master server is not responding. It may be overloaded, or offline. Try again later.
masterpos = -1 / 0
Server Name FAIL Your server's name is too long. The server browser will display up to 24 characters, and color codes are counted. For example , ^7 is counted as one character. Shorten your server name for accurate exposure.
sv_hostname = in^52^6i^7tion ^1| ^7Lin^1X^ [35]
Version FAIL Your server is not up to date. The latest version is 1.7.
shortversion = 1.5
Punkbuster PASS Your server is using the Punkbuster anti-cheat system by Evenbalance.
sv_punkbuster = 1
Max Rate PASS Your sv_maxrate is properly set. Values of 0 and 25000 are identical, and anything in between is not ideal for dedicated connections. Servers hosted from broadband/dialup connections should set this to something lower than 25000.
sv_maxrate = 25000
Ranked WARN Your server is listed as being modded. You may be aware of this, and it does not necessarily mean anything is wrong. However, your server will not use the global ranking system included with Call of Duty 4.
mod = 1
Pure PASS Your server has the pure setting enabled. This prevents players from being able to use whatever modifications they want. This setting will not prevent people from using cheat software.
sv_pure = 1
Password WARN Your server has a password set. Only the players that know what the password is will be able to join
pswrd = 1
1.5? why not 1.7?
that is a problem, right there