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Everything posted by HSMagnet

  1. ask Even Balance the developers of PunkBuster http://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/new_ticket.php
  2. the map packs for mw2 definitely split the base and helped them get everyone ready to buy a new game after only a year they learned not to make a decent game when cod4 lasted so long
  3. wait....didn't they blast IW for basically the same thing?
  4. there are enough people that just buy anything with CoD on it to keep them laughing for a few more years and yeah if prone is your big deal you will get responses like lion the tiger In BF3 you're going to be able to go PRONE!!!!!!!!!!!! PRONE! Seriously! Groundbreaking! Why hasn't anyone ever done that before?!?!?
  5. too bad that means nothing as far as whether or not a game is worth a damn
  6. short answer? you don't the data will not be manipulated in any way for valid violations *edit* btw the link you provided for the EB TT is invalid
  7. make your own topic hijacking an old thread is in poor taste and may cause your question to be ignored run the auto setup tool
  8. HSMagnet


    "He has the small tie to make up for his massive genitals." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GciPGdDg2SE
  9. well played sir! +1 could someone have that engraved on a silver platter and delivered to jd_2020? you might want to wrap it in a xbox package so he would bother to open it though..........
  10. and a nice mani/pedi as well thanks
  11. we are not cynical, just tired of getting rogered without a kiss or a polite reach around i doubt i will get worked up over another game until D3 drops hell, killing floor was one of the best games in the last few years and no one even knows it *edit* and PB might as well be ghostware......
  12. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/collection-of-international-assasins-cia-t137143.html/page__pid__355477#entry355477 read and heed
  13. like i said on your application, your account has to be approved before streaming kicks in
  14. alias and IP links are mostly worthless there are no unique names if you were banned for no more than that , just find another server to play on, they are not worth your time
  15. plus, when i/we/most people see lots of caps, we skip over/ignore it IPs can link unrelated GUIDs/players dynamic IPs are very common
  16. ask Even Balance, devs for PunkBuster don't hold your breath, though they never explain
  17. RESULTS for on 2011-01-28 16:02:43 Master Server Position FAIL The Activision master server is not responding. It may be overloaded, or offline. Try again later. masterpos = -1 / 0 Server Name FAIL Your server's name is too long. The server browser will display up to 24 characters, and color codes are counted. For example , ^7 is counted as one character. Shorten your server name for accurate exposure. sv_hostname = in^52^6i^7tion ^1| ^7Lin^1X^7Hosting.co.uk [35] Version FAIL Your server is not up to date. The latest version is 1.7. shortversion = 1.5 Punkbuster PASS Your server is using the Punkbuster anti-cheat system by Evenbalance. sv_punkbuster = 1 Max Rate PASS Your sv_maxrate is properly set. Values of 0 and 25000 are identical, and anything in between is not ideal for dedicated connections. Servers hosted from broadband/dialup connections should set this to something lower than 25000. sv_maxrate = 25000 Ranked WARN Your server is listed as being modded. You may be aware of this, and it does not necessarily mean anything is wrong. However, your server will not use the global ranking system included with Call of Duty 4. mod = 1 Pure PASS Your server has the pure setting enabled. This prevents players from being able to use whatever modifications they want. This setting will not prevent people from using cheat software. sv_pure = 1 Password WARN Your server has a password set. Only the players that know what the password is will be able to join pswrd = 1 1.5? why not 1.7? that is a problem, right there
  18. i got tired of copy/pasting the fail.... http://community.homefront-game.com/blog-post/homefront-pc oh and CS style load-outs? http://www.gamingunion.net/reviews/breach--409.html
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