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Everything posted by DentalX*Qc*

  1. Humm, did all of you used the booster software ( cd key stealer?????)
  2. With md5 tool, you can check for file integrity and check for presence of files, it all depends, go check how to configure your md5 tool to evenbalance.com
  3. Your account has been adjusted
  4. When your server is set to stream, pm me and ill check it out and upgrade your account
  5. #7 warning level added
  6. #6
  7. #5
  8. #3
  9. #2
  10. #4 Stop spaming
  11. Lets start by where u found those!
  12. Pleasure
  13. Correct me if im wrong, but i was on the impression that generate key dont give a valid pb guid, therefore you get kick for invalid guid. I know its a fairly new game, but did you happened to buy it from ebay? or any online seller. If you take picture with the game/cd key/proof of purchase with date and take this up with evenbalance, maybe they will be able to help you
  14. Well, what does he have to offer exept critisising pb, encouraging coders to bypass pb, aint there a rule for that.......Comming from a game admin or a streaming game admin would create some concern, but from a user that do not wish to contribute to our nice site, the decision is easy to take. He shot himself in the foot....i deleted his second account, if he joines back, ill contact him and explain why he is not welcomed here
  15. Done! BTW, pb will not unban you, but, if you sell your story to a newspaper saying you bought a game for nothing, maybe youll have ennough $ to buy a new pc. And reformating wont change your mac adress and therefore youll still be banned so long haxor
  16. For pb to hardware ban you, you must have hacked the hell out of those game. The lesson to be lurned here is bigger than just being ban, if you cheat someone, you loose their confidence and their trust and pay for it, Too bad
  17. Additional Information Clan/Group Tag Gun$ Clan/Group/League Name Les Gun$ Clan/Group/League Website No Information Game Server IP Address and Port No Information Game Played No Information Are you a Server Admin? No Information Want to Stream to PBBans? No Information Ton profile doit être complet pour que je puisse t'accorder des acces supérieur au forums Pour le ss, des fois, a cause de combo "catre vidéo et driver(pilote)" font en sorte que les ss sont noir, des fois c pb qui tousse quand il prend une ss et cela revient noir. Si ce joueur a toute ses ss noir, ca peut être un bug ou un hack, très difficile a savoir. Mais dans le doute on s'abstient de banned, comme cette ss ne constitu pas une preuve solide
  18. Pour commancer ton profile n'est pas a jour, il est difficile pour moi de confirmer que 1-si tu fait bien partie du clan et 2- si tu est admin du serveur avec acces ftp pour modifier les cfg. Si ton site internet affiche ces informations, il serais important de bien indiquer le url dans ton profile. Dès qu'il est possible pour moi de vérifier le tout, je modifierais ton account pour que tu ai des acces supérieur au forum. A ce moment tu pourra avoir acces a l'info pour streamer et au cfg de pb. Oublis pas de m'aviser des changement pas PM Merci
  19. well, in both case the value written is in the normal range.......fov 10 would trigger a kick aswell as cg_fov 10.....ill go for typo, it even happened to me once, in my earlyer days ;)
  20. :concur:
  21. Fill up your profile properly first
  22. We ban guid not people, use a clean one
  23. Something i lurned from Bob Just checking the ip he listed with on this site: egbakaet ( Search for it in the mpi3 and got only one guid linked for it :3c7893c54b5877f08168e04ac58a6c5c. Wow, his names comes up aswell as a multihack violation: MPI3 result Not the guid he provided, he gave us 7102676d that link to an amasing list of ip and aliases, definately a leaked key.......cause he needed one new cause he hacked and got caught the poor guy!!!!!!!! The ip match the one that was streamed on july 22......guess you dont have nothing to say anymore!!!! What a nice avatar budy!!!!!!!!! :rockon: :rockon:
  24. :concur:
  25. Having huge cvar and md5 check can make you lag each time pb is running them on you. Try to keep them lower than 15kb
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