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Everything posted by DentalX*Qc*

  1. Auto-downloading will never install a bot, and for you to use it, you need to enter some commands, so no your crosshair wasnt aiming to peeps head. Please, i hate when im told stupidity, no bots that i know of can be auto-dl and work without the user knowing it. Can you enlight us on your guid plz
  2. 3 possible scenario. You got to understand, this file is a stock file and is scaned for changes. First scenario, you have a no cd crack insted of the real .exe meaning the sof2mp.exe file is changed from the original. For sof2, i know everytime there was a patch, server admin had to modify the check to check for the new updated file. Scenario 2, well, you didnt updated your game, have the old file and pb scans for the new one, cant find it, a kick is issue. Scenarion 3,the server check is out of date(improbable since its been 2 - 3 years without any patch and all md5 scan are up to date). In any case,only a kick is issue, no ban.My suggestion, uninstall, delete remaining folder, reinstall, patch it with the gold patch and voila, should work.
  3. :concur: no hack here
  4. Well, i think that with the demo submission , a ss of the player list is needed. Some bots are more stealthy than others, making it harder to prove 100%. BTW, wazzzzzzaaaaa foolz :jam:
  5. Tout les serveur qui stream ont habituellement le cvar sv_cheat 0, car le noclip, god mode est en fait de la triche, je peux comprendre que toi et tes ami trouvent cela bien amusant, mais malheureusement, si vous streamer, vous aller devoir mettre ca a off, et ne pas utiliser le devloppers mode sans koi, si un de tes membre se fait kicker par pb, il se retrouvera sur la ban list avec les autres... Désoler.
  6. Aight....if i understand right....you have 2 diff pc with sof2 installed....one of them have the issue your talking about, the other one dont? Do they both uses windows scrap firewall?, have the same AV? At least we can tell its PC related....personnaly, i would drop that windows firewall and get a real one. There are nice free AV available on the net aswell. Never trust microsoft when its security related. Back to your problem......im just guessing here......but pb updates often, sometimes its hack detection, sometimes its software updates. Be sure to have your pb up to date, last updates dates to about a month ago..... u can type in console... /pb_sv_enable /pb_sv_update /pb_webupdate or.... http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=pbsetup.php The i would suggest to update everything...your video driver, sound card driver....if mobo is old, check for bios updates......do a scan for virus and spyware (spybot or adaware works fine), and, after all that, reinstall the game from scratch...uninstall, go into the root folder, delete the remaining sof2 folder intirely and do a clean reinstall. If that doesnt work.......well, i suggest a cup of fuel and matches :)
  7. Seulement les serveurs qui stream avec nous peuvent ajoutter des joueurs sur la banlist. Pour une raison simple, nous devons authentifier avec les logs du serveur l'authenticité des screenshot que pb prend (non un particulier)et des violations. Dit aux admin du serveur de venir s'enregistrer ici et dans moins d'une semaine, le serveur sera propre de tout tricheur potentiel (ou presque car rien n'est parfait). Pour le fun, c'est quoi le # du guid du joueur en question....peut-être est-il déja sur la banlist mais le serveur ou tu joue n'a pas cette liste.
  8. @Shifty Pb and EA are 2 different entities. Pb bans the guid, EA bans the account remember that. Pb dont deal with EA account.Pb will detect hack and remove the player from the server.BUT Pb needs Psb and Pbbans to help them in their goal by giving a place and tools for game server admin to rely on. Im not sure whats your point in all you've said, you've ask a clear question and clear answers have been given. Now if your on a witch hunt, plz do like said before and go to hack makers and try to convince them to stop making and seling hack....go on cheat forum and 'ask' them not to sell hack.......go to game producer and ask them to make better games......but dont come here and argue with admins about a what pb cant do.... You've said you gave us proof......what exactly are those proof.....links to forums.....to google search, cmon be serious, unless u have 'real proof' concerning one player. AND, if you even come up with a proof, unless you are a server admin and stream your log with Pbbans, it wont be added to the ban list for one simple reason, we have to verify the authenticity. Looking at your account we can see where your experience in the matter is: Additional Information Clan/Group Tag none Clan/Group/League Name none Clan/Group/League Website none Game Server IP Address and Port none Game Played Battlefield 2 Are you a Server Admin? No Want to Stream to PBBans? No So Lets do a little exercise......What if you found out this on a forum of some sort? PB HACK (#130010) - Violation (PB HACK) #130010 shifty_moves ( (03.06.2006) (FeZ) ( Would you come to us and complain about the uneffectiveness of pb and tell everyone it aint a real violation? Cause Pb works, your question was answered,you just dont understand
  9. Witch firewall are u using??....like evenbalance said, i would definately check that....if ports used by pb are blocked, it will not function properly, therefore creating lag amongst other 'trouble'. If you have a 64k connection , lag can be hardcore. Like u said, it looks like a pb related situation but it can be caused by another software( firewall, AV) like EB tells you. Try playing without your firewall or AV (that u dont need anyway when playing online. Whats your system spec?
  10. C drole, c'est toujours un ptit frère ou un ami :rolleyes:
  11. La réponse est dans le message.......Si tu t'es fait banned ton hardware c'est a cause de: 1-Tu a utiliser 1 hack ou plusieur et pb a décider de banned ton hardware, dans ce cas, peu importe le jeu, tu ne peux plus te connecter dans un serveur qui est protéger par pb. 2-Tu a acheter des pieces( motherbord, carte réseau, processeur, etc...) usagées et la personne qui les avait auparavant, a tricher comme un dieu et pb a banned son hardware qui est devenu le tien. Dans les 2 cas, pb risque de ne pas enlever le ban car, c'est la plus importante consequence (hardware ban) que pb donne, et ne la donne pas a la légère. Si tu peux prouver ton innocence, il t'écouterons peut-être, mais tu doit leur présenter des info pertinente et faire tes recherches, car eux ne te donnerons pas leur info qu'ils garde secrète. Conseil: Ne jamais acheter un jeu usager si tu veux jouer en ligne Ne Jamais acheter de piece usager de ebay ou de quelqu'un qui est reconnu comme un tricheur.
  12. Its not 'not conforming', its more like not using all the abilities pb has to offer. By default, evenbalance will update their software themselfs and will catch cheater by detecting the hack itself. MD5 detect specific files, cvar scaning helps regulate and pick up known hack cvar. They are complimentary but not essential Cause they cant upload the cfg into pb folder, they have to write each line (cvar and md5) in the console and do a pb_sv_writecfg. When you check for 300-400 cvar and files, thats what can become a pain in the ass. The code for streaming takes only 5-6 lines. Humm, not sure what your asking. 2 categories of server, public and private. 2 kind of server, ranked or not: You can have all the combo available, private or public ranked server, private or public unranked server. The issue is with the RANKED server, no matter if private or public. Here we deal with pb and help peeps the best we can. If you have any question about EA bf2 ranked server i suggest you check with them, they have a nice forum with tons of info :)
  13. Cause not all ban list are updated, that depends on the server admin Cause punkbusted has their own ban list as we have ours. Server admin can use both if they wishes to Some hack can bypass the global hd ban Ranked server are somewhat different than public...ie: No acess to the files, therefore making the addition of pb cfg by admins a pain in the ass, so a lot just streams and have no md5 or cvar cfg Im always in a position to answer, i play bf2 on any server, even if i didnt, pb is the same for every game :D
  14. Thats what pb does :)
  15. Sry but our work aint about helping average peeps to find friends, youll have to ask someplace else
  16. tout est possible, falsifier les log est possible. Parcontre, si le serveur ne stream pas avec aucun des 2 bases de données, ton guid ne se retrouvera pas sur la ban list, si il le font, l'autenticité des log est vérifiable(si il stream avec nous). Nous ne pouvons t'aider dans le cas contraire. De koi on t'accuse?
  17. well, nice catch: MD5TOOL (#9002) - MD5Tool Mismatch: pb/BScreen.dll (len=2048) SZ5632 AT0 LEN2048 7B0ED3F1E98F590460297438652B476D {E} ThaTwo ( (11.09.2005) ( http://www.pbbans.com/mpi3/mpiresults.php?...58c21&srh1=GUID A lot of guid banned comes up with your ip so long
  18. Be sure before banning him that he was actualy playing not afk....cause maybe you have a player that uses antialiasing that was afk...it would explain the identical ss. Check the game logs to see if he was playing. You can use photoshop to deinterlace or delace the ss, it will give you 2 clear ss from the original one. But if he was playing, and the ss shows all the same 2 pic.....BAN the fool
  19. the default value is the only good one to me, but it aint cheat realted so no banning for this one, just kick
  20. Well, hope you be carefull, try not to get shot
  21. Account is being reviewed.......as for puting the server into ctf, its easy, just look into the server cfg...... // Capture the Flag Settings (ctf) set scr_ctf_scorelimit "5" set scr_ctf_timelimit "120" set scr_ctf_roundlimit "1" set scr_ctf_roundlength "15" set scr_ctf_startrounddelay "15" set scr_ctf_endrounddelay "10" set scr_ctf_clearscoreeachround "1" AND you need to set the gametype in the map rotation ie: // Sets gametype for each map to "ctf": set sv_maprotation "gametype ctf map mp_foy gametype ctf map mp_uo_harbor gametype ctf map mp_uo_stanjel gametype ctf map mp_cassino" Add all maps you want (they have to support ctf) and specify the gametype in the map rotation Have fun, its the worst way to set a gametype....lots of other games are much simpler and easyer. A simple google search took me 5 min and i had your answer.....did you even try to find the answer yourself insted of just asking for it?
  22. @DC First, im sure your no super dude and you need your sleep like everybody else, so being in the server 24/7 taking ss of suspected player aint even close to doable. So thats why you need to rely on the auto-ss, for the moments you sleep and work and do real life stuff. So yeah, its a pretty usefull thing. Second, if you want to take a ss of a specific player while he plays and your in your server....... - /PB_SV_GetSs .....will give you a ss of yourself - /PB_SV_GetSs id# .....will not work and return with an error message YOU NEED TO BE LOGGED WITH THE RCON PASSWORD TO USE THE PB SERVER. Knowing that now, you can log in doing: - /rconpassword 'actual pass' And take ss of specific player with: - /PB_SV_plist for list of player and id# - /rcon pb_sv_getss id# Having your server file protected for unautorized modification by a rcon password is intelligent, usefull, and the only way to have a cheat free, crash free, hacker free, worry free server. If you share this pass with anyone, they can do a lot of damage or just simply allow their hack to stay undetected, therefore leaving you with a nice problem.
  23. Your pb server updates automaticaly, the thing is that you can increase his effiency with some adds on provided by this site
  24. What if a real hack uses those cvar just to mess with us?
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