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Everything posted by DentalX*Qc*

  1. Nice, should be on the front page
  2. need more detail
  3. Tu na qu'a ajuster ces 2 valeur dans ton pbsv.cfg située dans ton dossier pb de ton serveur: pb_sv_SsWidth 800 //Requested pixel width of remote screenshots pb_sv_SsHeight 640 //Requested pixel height of remote screenshots Dans cet exemple, les valeur sont de 640 par 800 Voici toute les valeur a ajuster pour les screen: Post tes question si tu en a d'autre. Le manuel complet pour admin se trouve sur www.evenbalance.com (je sais pas si ils ont une version francaise
  4. Question answered more than once....closed
  5. You can set the rez a little lower, it can help: //pb_sv_SsWidth 640 //Requested pixel width of remote screenshots //pb_sv_SsHeight 480 //Requested pixel height of remote screenshots Bind check are good to use but can create lag(any check can). Since we dont ban for binds maybe removing those check can help. But, i always checked for binds. Binds for leaning script(we dont ban for script): //pb_sv_task 300 300 "PB_SV_BINDSRCH wait" //search for wait in binds //pb_sv_task 300 300 "PB_SV_BINDSRCH leanleft" //search for leanleft in binds //pb_sv_task 300 300 "PB_SV_BINDSRCH leanright" //search for leanright in binds //pb_sv_task 300 300 "PB_SV_BINDSRCH moveup" //search for moveup in binds //pb_sv_task 300 300 "PB_SV_BINDSRCH lookup" //search for moveup in binds //pb_sv_task 300 300 "PB_SV_BINDSRCH movedown" //search for movedown in binds //pb_sv_task 300 300 "PB_SV_BINDSRCH lookdown" //search for movedown in binds //pb_sv_task 300 300 "PB_SV_BINDSRCH attack" //search for attack in binds Binds i would definitely check for since it can be used to execute a hack: //pb_sv_task 300 300 "PB_SV_BINDSRCH .cfg" //search for cfg binds //pb_sv_task 300 300 "PB_SV_BINDSRCH exec" //search for exec binds //pb_sv_task 300 300 "PB_SV_BINDSRCH .exe" //search for exe binds //pb_sv_task 300 300 "PB_SV_BINDSRCH vstr" //search for aim in binds Alternate binds, but never catched someone with those: //pb_sv_task 300 300 "PB_SV_BINDSRCH cheat" //search for cheat binds //pb_sv_task 300 300 "PB_SV_BINDSRCH bot" //search for bot binds //pb_sv_task 300 300 "PB_SV_BINDSRCH aim" //search for aim in binds //pb_sv_task 300 300 "PB_SV_BINDSRCH hack" //search for hack in binds //pb_sv_task 300 300 "PB_SV_BINDSRCH esp" //search for esp in binds //pb_sv_task 300 300 "PB_SV_BINDSRCH wall" //search for wall in binds And you can remove the last part of the line, the explaining, it will reduce the file size: //Requested pixel width of remote screenshots //search for in binds etc
  6. Pm me the details and ill look it up
  7. All i see is an .jpg screenshot, i wont comment unless its an original ss
  8. Remember to add to the rocmod config to load them cfg, if not, when you restart the server, it wont load them
  9. The admin added you onto his ban list, ask him to remove you
  10. :concur:
  11. Additional Information Clan/Group Tag || || Clan/Group/League Name P!pe Players Clan/Group/League Website rebuilding Game Server IP Address and Port No Information Game Played No Information Are you a Server Admin? No Information Want to Stream to PBBans? No Information Start by filling your profile correctly, then pm me and ill give you the help needed
  12. :jam:
  13. Looks like a popup wallhack, like the msn one we use to have
  14. http://www.pbbans.com/mpi3/mpiresults.php?...l1= sry, your ip links to a nice catch :( . We take no chance on who we bring onboard, sry again
  15. Thx, that was it.............You can add it to your sof2mp.cfg insted of doing it in the console
  16. Your server listed in your profile isnt set to stream....maybe we misunderstood each other, its ok. You need to set your rtcw server to stream using the PAT or the jPAT....then, when done, plz pm me so i can verify if your server stream. Only after that youll be upgraded to streaming game admin and have acess to the msi If you encounter any trouble you can ask ~>GFP
  17. I did post a solution.......was to disable the dual processing for sof2, dont remember the cvar tho :( . I can tell you its client sided but i think it can be forced by the server...just not sure, i was on the impression pb fixed that already.
  18. If you like to be upgraded to Game Admin...plz fill up your profile with all the info needed....that would be a start, and will make it more easy to decide afterwards
  19. :concur:
  20. Let se this in another way.....you buy a used car from a guy trough a specialized magazine, the car was a stolen car, or was used in a crime..........what will happen to the car when you get checked by the police and they discover that????
  21. Plz post here the confirmation here so ill update their account
  22. 10/22/2005 18:33:37 - "Stuart Dunsmore" Note #3: PB NEVER bans on a negative. Firewalls, or other things cannot cause a PB ban. PB bans only when info is returned to the PB server that raises a violation. Blocking PB will cause an auth, init, packet, or com failure, but never a bannable violation.
  23. Police are warning all men who frequent clubs, party goers and unsuspecting pub regulars to be alert and stay cautious when offered a drink from any woman. Many females use a date rape drug on the market called "beer" to target unsuspecting men. The drug is generally found in liquid form and is now available almost anywhere. It comes in bottles, cans, from taps and in large, what the kids call "kegs". Beer" is used by female sexual predators at parties and bars to persuade their male victims to go home and have sex with them. Typically, a woman needs only to persuade a guy to consume a few units of "beer" and then simply ask him home for no strings attached sex. Men are rendered helpless against this approach. After several "beers" men will often succumb to desires to perform sexual acts on horrific looking women to whom they would never normally be attracted. After drinking "beer" men often awaken with only hazy memories of exactly what happened to them the night before, often with just a vague feeling that something bad occurred. At other times these unfortunate men are swindled out of their life's savings in a familiar scam known as "a relationship." It has been reported that in extreme cases, the female may even be shrewd enough to entrap the unsuspecting male into a long-term form of servitude and punishment referred to as "marriage." Apparently, men are much more susceptible to this scam after "beer" is administered and the predatory female offers sex. Please! Forward this warning to every male that you know. However, if you fall victim to this insidious "beer" and the predatory women administering it, there are male support groups with venues in every town where you can discuss the details of your shocking encounter in an open and frank manner with similarly affected, like-minded guys. For the support group nearest you, just look up "Golf Courses" in the yellow pages. :) :)
  24. When pb is unable to autentify itself, it kicks for auth failiure, it will not global or hd ban for that. But just for fun ill ask Eb about it
  25. Open bar on the warning level increase, youll see, made me feel better, like a real open bar :lol:
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