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Everything posted by RAMC

  1. LOL haha :lol:
  2. May be something to do with the security level raise. Maybe you didn't submit your GUID ? If you didn't, go to Account Management click 'Edit Profile' If it's not the case, you'll have to wait for Staff to help you buddy :)
  3. Did you use the Automated Hub Setup prior to streaming via Rcon? :) Edit: Your English really isn't that bad at all :woot:
  4. Which public list are you talking about ? Also, what game and what are the Server IPs ? :)
  5. 382 Total Signatures Awesome. Get the word out, place the link in your Xfire status! :D :D :D :D
  6. You have my signature.
  7. Click 'Home', click 'Account Management' on the left Menu, click 'Manage Servers'. Click 'Modify' beneath your Server. The chances are, Announce New Bans is checked. This means whenever a Ban is added, it will be announced on your Server. That's the 'Live' beauty of PBBans, it's brilliant ;)
  8. She killed herself ? Did she not know that was just to test the machine, they didn't actually do the full experiment. That isn't till a later date. She needs to research before she kills herself :huh: :huh:
  9. Yes the Media are 'hyping' alot of things. That was just the test, the real experiment isn't going to happen yet. I'm currently studying physics etc, this kind of stuff really interests me. As for http://hasthelargehadroncolliderdestroyedtheworldyet.com/ LO!L :lol: :lol:
  10. Thanks to all who donate so mine and everyone elses Servers can stream, and so that we can use the great service here ;) Nice one :D
  11. It sometimes takes a bit to show as streaming. How long ago did you actually stream up ? Try: pb_sv_update Wait a minute or so pb_sv_restart Good choice to stream, may your catches be worth it :D
  12. The swiss are going to end the world with their physics experiment, re-creating what would've happened right after the big bang. We're all going to be sucked in :o :o :o :o :o :lol: Should be awesome to read/view the results ;)
  13. Man are you serious ? :lol: :lol: Post the Ban Link and the demo (if you've seen/posted it yourself) as you're adamant it's not what PBBans say it is. Tbh if I had the privilage of replying to appeals I wouldn't waste my time being polite and friendly. If someone is going to be rude enough to hack/cheat and add to the cause/need for PB/PBBans/PsB and alot of public money, all because some punk ass noob needs cheats to look a good player, what respect do they deserve ? :blink: Your Topic title says "PB is not the best anti cheat system" Please tell us what is, so we can all get donating there and abandon the anti-cheat system which has currently 82,000 justified bans on its MPI database. You seem to be moaning about the way donators money is spent, yet you encourage the behaviour which results in the need for this money. "You should use your donations to buy the private hacks and find out there engine! jeez there not expensive are they?" Come off it dude :mellow: I wouldn't be suprised if the Staff got your IP and found it on the MBL lol. Lots of love, Spanky. :)
  14. Hahaha. :lol:
  15. Ohhh nice. Thanks ;) What happens when someone with a different GUID uses the Alias ? Does it kick them or.. ?
  16. /pb_sv_banlist To find your ban list on Rcon Tool :)
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