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Everything posted by Pisi-Deff

  1. Give the demo to the server's admin. Only he/she has the data necessary for submitting the demo to us :) ~ /*Pisi*/
  2. Ich vermute genau wie auch BFBC2. Genaue infos dar
  3. Old :P Seriously though... I could not care less how it plays on consoles... I want to see how it handles on the PC... meh...
  4. Sorry, we cannot help you (literally, we don't even have tools to edit the MPi). Thread locked. ~ /*Pisi*/
  5. No. We will not alter MPi data under any circumstance. :) To be frank*, if the players accusing you can't differentiate between your Russian IP and the Kazakh flag next to the one on the ban, they are either lazy, trolls or simply idiots, and in any case, not worth your time. As said, feel free to link anybody to this thread. ~ /*Pisi*/
  6. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/freedi300-fm-t129403.html Kein forum auf der seite gefunden. Kein f
  7. Deine team account bewerbung: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/ruebenhacker-regiment-rhra-t128633.html Jetzt musst du warten, bis ein admin die bewerbung durch schaut :) http://www.pbbans.com/index.php -> "Check Streaming Server" mfg, /*Pisi*/
  8. Into the pb folder. :)
  9. Clever.... Very clever :P But bloody hell... finally a riot shield and instead of a wimpy knife, a long-ass sword :3
  10. Don't see anything I've not read yet :)

  11. Na dann versuch durch rcon :) http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-hubguide.html#bc2gui Leider noch keine deutsche
  12. Weil dein server nicht streamt :)Das system handelt die statuses automatisch. Wegen dem streamen... meine theorie ist, dass w
  13. Server removed from blacklist :) It used to belong to another clan :) ~ /*Pisi*/
  14. Bist wieder der master user :) mfg, /*Pisi*/
  15. You're using ucon profile 0 instead of profile 1. This should prove informative: http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-hubguide.html#disclaimer :) ~ /*Pisi*/
  16. The pbucon.use file's contents don't matter, it just has to exist. :) Since server still isn't streaming, try: http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-hubguide.html#bc2gui ~ /*Pisi*/
  17. A: Technically not true... you could kick everybody who's even just a bit suspicious... so: "Its impossible to catch all players who cheat/hack in your bc2 server without sacrificing legit players."B: True Except that getting access to our MCi requires streaming to us. Most AC streaming sites offer MD5tool checks and they probably differ from eachother quite a lot. Take this as biased but my opinion is that our checks are the best around. No. Because we are not punkbuster, nor are we EvenBalance. They can code checks directly into PB, we cannot. Fun fact, some cheats require DirectX 9 to run, therefore no anti-aliasing to stop PBSS. Some of those use PBSS blockers though... so... It doesn't do that for any game... ~ /*Pisi*/
  18. Yes, yes we do. :) Get your wife to add you to your clan's team account and you will have access to their links :) ~ /*Pisi*/
  19. You will not be able to stream a server without a team account. Your application for a team account was denied: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/tbc-tbc-t127019.html ~ /*Pisi*/
  20. Erst nachdem deine bewerbung akzeptiert wird :) http://www.pbbans.com/forums/german-battle-group-gbg-t127404.html mfg, /*Pisi*/
  21. Warum bist du hier und nicht dein freund? Wenn dein freund glaubt, dass er nicht gehackt hat, soll er den "Appeal This Ban" knopf auf seinem banlink dr
  22. Du kannst dich hier neu bewerben: http://www.pbbans.com/streaming-application.html :) mfg, /*Pisi*/
  23. Die daten in unserer MPi werden wir auf keinem fall
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