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Everything posted by Pisi-Deff

  1. I don't remember if it required sv_cheats 1. Because if it did, it can only be used in MP if you set sv_cheats to 1 and then be the lobby's leader-thingy. If not, then yes, can be used everywhere at all times. :) While we're here... me & Sq need more people to play with :D Anybody with a mic for TS3 up for it? :D ~ /*Pisi*/
  2. Happy Birthday, dude :D

  3. Doesn't seem to be configured to stream. Try the webtool: http://www.pbbans.com/automated-streaming-setup.html or follow the hub guide: http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-hubguide.html ~ /*Pisi*/
  4. Okay... where shall we start :D 1) We only accept evidence from servers that stream to us. The clan that the server belongs to doesn't seem to be streaming to us. 2) X-fire videos are worthless as evidence. Record demos instead. /record in console. 3) Nothing you can do due to #1, and nothing you could have done, if #1 was ok, due to #2. ~ /*Pisi*/
  5. Rubys
  6. Top
  7. Soldier.
  8. Streaming itself causes no lag. It uses very little bandwidth. Possible causes: 1) PB is not properly configured (solution would be to replace it with a copy from our MCi: http://www.pbbans.com/mci-view-bfbc2-pbsv-36.html ) 2) The server provider has crappy hardware 3) The server provider has too many servers on one root ~ /*Pisi*/
  9. Dude, wake up :/

  10. Du musst warten, bis ein admin deine bewerbung durchschaut: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/devils-descendantcom-dd-t124553.html Edit:// Ignorier was ich gesagt habe... Ich verstehe nicht warum du ein neues forum account + team account brauchtest, wenn du beide schon hast: ---------- Account Information ---------- Team: Devils-Descendant (=[DD]=) Account ID: 3727 Streaming Status: Not Streaming (0 / 0) ---------- Server List ---------- ---------- User List ---------- MedicusGER (121762) mfg, /*Pisi*/
  11. Heh... Server is streaming fine now btw: ---------- Server List ---------- BFBC2 - (Streaming) ~ /*Pisi*/
  12. Server is not on the master list. Might be relevant. Might not be. Or might be that it was offline when the master list was cached. Check if the pbucon.use file is still in the pb folder. I don't remember if ucon profiles let themselves be added if the file was not there... but worth a try... :/ Also, a full pb log might be useful. (please remove any md5tool checks from it before uploading though :)) ~ /*Pisi*/
  13. "hellreturn has no profile comments yet. Why not say hello?"

    So um... hi :3

  14. The main cause of black PBSS is anti-aliasing... which is disabled and un-enableable in BC2 with DirectX below 10. XP can't run anything above 9 :) ~ /*Pisi*/
  15. There is none. Same version for all Windowses :) ~ /*Pisi*/
  16. Welches spiel? Wenn es etqw oder eins der cod serie war und der server zu uns gestreamt hat w
  17. This blacklist removed as well :)
  18. http://www.n-europe.com/special.php?sid=gamerpals2&page=12
  19. Oki, du kannst dich jetzt neu bewerben :)
  20. Yay for flamewars :) ... locked :)
  21. Per unseren bedingungen muss deine webseite ein team roster == eine clan memberliste haben. ;) Glaube ich eher nicht, aber egal... Wenn du englisch verstehst, bitte lesen: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/streaming-application-requirements-t82214.html PS: Sorry, musste dein avatar entfernen, denn es hat mehrere leute gen
  22. The main keyword is previously-used. :) Just explain to them that the key you were given is on the loose on the internet. And amongst others has been used by cheaters who got it banned. Give them the MBi banlink as proof. ~ /*Pisi*/
  23. Key is massively leaked... I've never seen Steam selling games w/ used keys before... mistake maybe? Whatever... What you should do is explain to steam the situation and ask them for a new key :) ~ /*Pisi*/
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