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Everything posted by Lucky_Fr4gg3r

  1. You don't appear to be part of a streaming team. In order to use the welcome messages, you will need to apply for a Team Account here and set up your servers to stream using either the automated Webtool or the manual steps described in the Hub streaming guide. The entire process (assuming you use the webtool) can be completed within minutes, depending on how fast your application gets processed; nothing complicated about it. After that, it's as simple as going to your server manager in the Team Account's control panel, and setting what message you want to appear.
  2. Vous n'avez pas encore les serveurs ajout
  3. No need to manually uninstall them in safe mode, and yes, pbsvc.exe will install them again if you do remove them.
  4. It means your PC is ignoring the MD5tool-query. It isn't a hack, it just means this PB tool and your PC are having problems communicating, sort of speak. Make sure your firewall/antivirus etc isn't blocking it, and that your internet connection isn't too slow by downloading at the same time and such. PB Service Guide, courtesy of Maydax. Edit: Try reinstalling PB using PBSVC.exe and then updating it using PBSetup as well.
  5. Would be even better and more 'leet' if you stream your servers for some extra protection ;) http://www.pbbans.com/account_application.php http://www.pbbans.com/webtool.php http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-hubguide.html And what exactly do you mean by 'no punkbuster marks 0/3'? Edit: My bad, you already applied :)
  6. Who is this server provider you bought your key from and what is your GUID?
  7. And no word about a contract with Evenbalance yet. This should be good
  8. Sorry for the delayed reply. This sounds like something you should take up with EA, PBBans can't do anything about hacked BF2 accounts/stats I'm afraid. http://support.ea.com
  9. Suppression de l'ancien serveur et d'ajouter le nouveau serveur ici. Essayez d'utiliser le Webtool. Quel est votre IP du serveur?
  10. Please stop bumping old threads.
  11. Actually, I don't think there's an official site, just a thread on a forum where it originated from here. I quote from the thread:
  12. On your server, in the pb folder, you'll find a folder called svss. All screenshots are in there, and you should be able to access it through either a web-based admin panel provided by your host, or direct FTP access. The method of accessing it differs per host, if your not sure, consult them.
  13. http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-pbssguide.html Any questions, fire away ;)
  14. I just got accepted into the beta, I'll report back when I've played it tomorrow ;) Edit: Played it for roughly an hour, my first impression: Nothing too serious, just a simple and still fun, 3rd person shooter.
  15. In that case, I stand corrected, and hereby apologize. It just seems that there's many servers and clans that do these days, hence my (hasted) assumption. I'm just glad to see I was wrong and that the situation has been resolved. :)
  16. BF-Hitfixer is a legit program, all it does it optimize latency settings and such to improve the hit registration. Whether this version on this website is valid, I'm not sure; if you intend on trying it, I suggest you get it from the official site.
  17. Your assumption is correct. I've looked up your actual GUID and there are no linked bans what so ever. If they search the MPI using just the name without the prefix, they will come to the same conclusion. The prefix seems to mess things up, but those bans/guids don't appear to be related to you in any way. It sounds to me they are using this as an excuse to keep you off their server, and personally, I'd look for a different server to play on.
  18. I only had to pay 28 euros for it, so perhaps if you dig further, you can find a better deal (Amazon and such) ;) Even if I had to pay 50$ for it, personally, I'd say it's worth it if you enjoy RTS and aren't obsessed with the base building elements.
  19. As far as I'm concerned, it's a date :lol: What's your GFWL-ID, Merlintime? I'll post mine when I get home later today.
  20. As Ice man suggested, try the webtool. If that isn't possible for whatever reason, try the troubleshooting section of the Hub streaming guide. Let us know if you get it working ;)
  21. Personally, I wasn't amazed at the single player campaign. The fact that you can do it in CO-OP makes it a lot more fun, but the storyline is still pretty 'meh' if you ask me, and the missions seem a bit repetitive. Multiplayer on the other hand, is loads of fun. Every game is different, and even though there are only very few MP maps out at the moment, it's still very enjoyable. You, Duality and me should have a game sometime ;)
  22. I suggest you consider setting your servers up to stream with PBB. http://www.pbbans.com/account_application.php http://www.pbbans.com/webtool.php http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-hubguide.html That way your servers benefit from extra protection, and any PBSS of hackers that you do find, can get added the PBB's Master Ban Index. ;) Afraid I can't comment on this specific screenshot though, as I don't play CoD.
  23. I'm afraid these are the rules and no exceptions are made :(
  24. Full game was released a few weeks ago. Anyone here bought it, if so, what did you think?
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