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Everything posted by Lucky_Fr4gg3r

  1. Once your servers are streaming you will be able to request a name-change here.
  2. Transferred. Don't forget to change the name and flags to your preferences.
  3. Yes. The specific file for CVAR/MD5 violations is sv_viol.log For other Evenbalance violations, it's sv_cheat.log. All the other logs show everyone who has ever disconnected/connected to your server, as well as any PBSS taken of them.
  4. You should be able to find the pb logs in the pb/svlogs folder on your server.
  5. Haha, nice one :P
  6. If you rented it from a known & trusted host, I suggest you ask them for a different IP.
  7. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=88892
  8. Killing Floor, a new co-op survival horror game, from the creators of Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45, Tripwire Interactive. Interview @ IGN: http://pc.ign.com/articles/964/964778p1.html Interview @ Filefront: http://news.filefront.com/gt-qa-tripwires-killing-floor/ Official website: http://www.killingfloorthegame.com/ If you actually look beyond the somewhat dated graphics, it's a pretty nice game. It used to be a free mod for UT2004, but Tripwire hired the team and they completely revamped it and brought it retail. Unlike L4D, this game focuses more on the 'horror' factor; there's no 'versus' mode, it's just you and up to 5 of your friends, traveling through the map, surviving against zombie hordes and eventually an 'end-boss'. During the game, you will be able to find weapons (12+) or buy them from a trader which is hidden somewhere on the map. Another unique gameplay option is the ability to weld doors shut, to control the flow of specimen a bit. The game's also rumored to have barricading, but that hasn't been confirmed. Pre-orders started on steam at 13,49 euros, release @ 14th of May which is in 4 days, so buy it now if you want to save 25%. There's zombies, chainsaws, and Duality and me playing it; you have no excuse to not buy it :P Before anyone goes 'lol l4d copy'; I've played L4D since release and enjoyed it very much. This game is sufficiently different from L4D to warrant buying it, especially for the low price ;)
  9. This IP was blacklisted for appearing on our MPI. There is no reason the IP of a server should be used to play a game. If you rented this server from gameservers.com, I recommend you ask for a different IP.
  10. We aim to process every application within 48h. Once you're a member of a streaming team, SGA-status will automatically kick in within a few hours.
  11. Welcome to the PBBans forums ;)
  12. And please don't revive 2 year old threads, create a new one instead.
  13. If you want the stock files the way they're generated by PB, I suggest you contact your host, they should be able to provide you with them. Another possibility is deleting the configs. PB server should automatically generate new ones with the stock values. If you wish to stream to PBB, I suggest you take a look at our recommended pbsv.cfg in our MCI.
  14. Make sure you don't open the SS in another program. Anything you change to the file might change the MD5-hash, causing it to not match the hash in your server's logs. Make sure you download them directly from your server and submit them, without modifying them.
  15. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=88497 http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=88489 http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=88395 Sie m
  16. Have you tried with the Hub Streaming Guide? Is this server hosted at home or at a data center?
  17. Ich meine, was ist die IP: Port?
  18. Please create your own thread next time instead of hijacking an old one ;) Does your friend runs Fraps or Xfire? Tell him to disable both and try again.
  19. Server IP:Port? Stellen Sie sicher, dass Punkbuster ist aktiviert.
  20. This sounds more like you or the server is having connection issues. Are you getting this with every server? Are you sure your game isn't being blocked by your antivirus or firewall?
  21. Person responsible has died from his injuries. There's no indication there was anyone else involved, and they didn't find any weapons/bombs/motive when searching his house either. Shortly after he did it, he did say it was meant for the royals, so it was definitely not accidental.
  22. Once your server has been approved, it will automatically start streaming if it was set up correctly; there's never a need for it to be re-approved. *************************************************************** Team: Sand Storms (=S.S=) Account ID: 6543 Streaming Status: Not Streaming (0 / 1) *************************************************************** --------------------------------------------------------------- Server List --------------------------------------------------------------- COD4 - --------------------------------------------------------------- User List --------------------------------------------------------------- cyberpunk7t9 (132480) Helpful Links: Account Management CVAR / MD5 Scans (Setup and Use) PBBans Hub Flags Master Player Index Automated Hub Setup Not Streaming Fix Your best (and easiest) bet is to see if you can get the webtool working, if what you've tried above doesn't work. If you post up your pbsv.cfg, we can have a look to see if anything is obviously wrong/missing. As a side note, re-check to make sure an empty file named pbucon.use is also present in your server's pb folder.
  23. Have a look at the recommended pbsv.cfg from our MCI here and compare it to yours. Make sure the following line is present: pb_sv_task 0 7200 pb_sv_ver // Keep-Alive for PBBans Hub
  24. Sounds like something is wrong with your Java then. Are you sure your browser's security settings allow it? Try grabbing Java from their website here and see if it works then.
  25. Streaming problems are always client-sided. Have you tried using the webtool?
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