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Everything posted by Lucky_Fr4gg3r

  1. Should be a manual in: Steam/Steamapps/Common/killingfloor/help
  2. And you're absolutely sure you didn't install using the same CD-key on both PCs?
  3. http://ve3d.ign.com/articles/news/48427/Am...t-Studio-Closed
  4. They should do :P If I were American, I don't think I'd appreciate my tax money being spent on games.
  5. Right now, AA3 is completely broken. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?sho...c=93378&hl=
  6. To add on to what was said above, once you have enabled PB on your server of course; Try downloading and installing the latest version of Java from their website. If the webtool still won't load, check your browser's security settings.
  7. Please create your own topics instead of reviving older ones. I've split your post from the topic you originally posted in. On-topic: Did you make sure to manually check whether every trace of 2142 was actually gone too, the game folder and registry? The key often remains in the registry.
  8. Perhaps a silly question, but are you sure you plugged in the power cable(s) for your GFX-card? I also cleaned and re-applied paste to my card once, and I shouted at it for 15m before I realized :lol:
  9. Hello and welcome :)
  10. Or use our Automated Hub Setup ;)
  11. Looking good indeed. If you wish, you can remove him from your TA by visiting 'Manage Users' in your ACCP, or click here. Might also want to read up on Hub Flags Explained, because you don't appear to have 'Enforce bans' checked. *************************************************************** Team: 6th Airbourne (-=6thA=-) Account ID: 3557 Streaming Status: Streaming (1 / 1) *************************************************************** --------------------------------------------------------------- Server List --------------------------------------------------------------- COD4 - (Streaming) --------------------------------------------------------------- User List --------------------------------------------------------------- griddy27 (121057) warlord162 (121292) Helpful Links: Account Management CVAR / MD5 Scans (Setup and Use) PBBans Hub Flags Master Player Index Automated Hub Setup Not Streaming Fix
  12. Nope. Your GUID is a hash based on the CD-key you installed the game with. If you're banned on your BF2 GUID (and thus CD-key) it won't affect any other games. Open your console ingame by pushing the tilde ~ key and type in /pb_myguid The 32-character outcome is your GUID
  13. Did you buy a used copy off Amazon? Are you sure you didn't use anything, like a rankhack or such? They often also steal your CD-key. Last but not least, you're 100% positive you can't play on any PB-enabled server, correct?
  14. If your website is still http://www.oea-clan.com/ then you don't. Please re-read the requirements, especially the part regarding websites.
  15. Once you make sure you meet the Streaming Application Requirements, we can remove him from the account and add you as the master user.
  16. Already joined and got a bunch of my friends in as well. I (used to) have the utmost respect for Valve, but this move really surprised and disappointed me.
  17. Never hurts to ask m8 ;) As long as you meet the other requirements, you are free to re-apply.
  18. How many of you are there? You could just put up a small list of all players in your group.
  19. He may appeal his ban. If it is denied, he will have to purchase a new copy of the game if he wishes to be able to play on PBB streaming servers.
  20. Have you received a response from EB yet? If so, what'd they say?
  21. Using or setting it up? See this guide.
  22. Played AA2 a couple of times, but never really got into it. Will definitely give AA3 a whirl :)
  23. As a side note, please don't send tickets to Evenbalance about this, they are in no way related to our MSI and cannot help you either. If it is you who triggered the ban though, they will be able to state whether the violation was valid. If so, the ban will be lifted from our side.
  24. Yep, as I said, that's because one of our account-staff needs to look at it first ;) If you set up streaming correctly there is nothing you need to do but wait atmo.
  25. All seems to be well now, you should be able to read the thread :)
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