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Everything posted by Lucky_Fr4gg3r

  1. My controls -> Change Display name Clicky
  2. If you check the 'Enforce bans' flag on your server, there is no need to manually update your banlists, as our Hub will cross-check any player that joins your server to see if he is present on our banlist. MD5 checks: Do you have access to any sort of gamepanel provided by your host? You can either add it yourself there, request your host to add it, or use our PAT (Punkbuster Admin Tool) once your severs are successfully streaming, using the RCON method.
  3. This tag is already in use by another clan. Change your tag slightly and re-apply.
  4. It should be processed later today, but depending on the queue, it can take up to a maximum of 48h for your application to be processed. Have you used the webtool to set up streaming? That way your account is ready to go once it's processed. Edit: It appears you either haven't read or don't meet the application requirements found here. You need a working clanwebsite with a roster and populated forum to be allowed to stream to us; a clanbase page is not enough.
  5. You have logs, but your server was not streaming to us at the time, so we cannot accept them I'm afraid.
  6. The streaming of logs is an automated process once you've set it up; the logs get forwarded to us, this way we can validate that they are authentic. If your server took those PBSS during a time you weren't streaming to us yet, we have no way to validate that the PBSS isn't forged, even if you give us the log files. I'm not saying your screenshot is forged, but surely you understand we need 100% conclusive evidence before we add someone to our banlist ;) The moment you start streaming you will be able to submit all PBSS and demos you record of hackers from that point onwards. I'm afraid we cannot accept any previously recorded evidence.
  7. There are many exploits in BF2 to crash servers, your crashes are probably related to them. BF2AHD is an 'anti-hack tool' of sorts, which helps counter the known exploits. http://bf2ahd.2f4y.com/news.php You can either try and set this up on your server, or wait for the BF2 1.5 patch which will supposedly fix these issues. PS. The screenshots Big_Guy was talking about are Punkbuster screenshots. See this guide. If they show a hack in use, you can submit them to us and they will be added to the MBI. I also suggest you contact whoever is in charge of your team account and request you be added to it, so you receive additional access on our forums; that way you can read up on more discussions on the matter.
  8. It appears your server isn't streaming to us currently. We only accept PBSS with streamed logs as supporting evidence. May I suggest setting up your server(s) to stream to us: http://www.pbbans.com/account_application.php - Team Account Application http://www.pbbans.com/webtool.php - Automated Streaming Setup For more info, see our Information Center.
  9. Have you tried using our Automated Hub Setup? It'll save you from having to do all the steps manually. If you still want to do all the manual steps, check out our Hub Streaming Guide, under the BF2CC section here.
  10. Server doesn't appear to be cracked anymore, server removed from blacklist.
  11. Please remove or PM me the server password so I can confirm it's no longer cracked.
  12. Checked, server is no longer cracked. Removed from blacklist.
  13. Remove the cracked binaries and replace it with the originals and reply back to this post. If you don't know how or don't have the originals, ask your host.
  14. Looks like a server message to me. Perhaps one of your admin sent a one-time message.
  15. It is, or it wouldn't be on our blacklist ;)
  16. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=89388 http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=83404 http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=83321 Sie m
  17. Your server was blacklisted for being cracked.
  18. Your servers were blacklisted for being cracked.
  19. We have been really cracking down on people who stream cracked servers. Here is a list of servers we have found so far: Just a reminder that streaming cracked servers will result in the server being removed and blacklisted and can result in you being removed from PBBans or banned from using our services.
  20. I've gone ahead and added your new user and removed the old. If you need anything else changed, let me know.
  21. Your previous username was D8.propa!n. He's still a member of your clan's team account. Do you wish to try and recover that one, or would you rather have your new user put into the team account?
  22. Have you tried using our webtool? It's the easiest solution.
  23. Gameplay videos released: http://ve3d.ign.com/articles/features/4705...r-Video-Preview If you want to buy it, be quick. Release is tommorow, buy now and save 25% ;)
  24. What command supposedly did this? If you don't feel comfortable posting it here, you can PM it to me.
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