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Everything posted by Lucky_Fr4gg3r

  1. I'm confused, am I missing something in the screenshot? All I see is a local-banlist with the same persons a few times on it?
  2. What operating system are you running? And Wraith, I believe Evenbalance said they aren't going to do anything about it. Windows 7 is a beta, so I doubt they will add compatibility for it before the final product is released. Strange that it works for some games and not others, though.
  3. Good to hear :)
  4. As stated by Fozzer above, you cannot stream to PBbans with PB disabled I'm afraid.
  5. What was the problem in the end? Perhaps others can benefit from it.
  6. Are you sure you are using the right RCON password? If so, try the manual steps described in the Hub Streaming Guide. Doesn't take too long.
  7. Very nice job! B)
  8. The issue has already been fixed a while ago. Are your servers activated in your server manager on the PBBans website? Try re-running the Automated Hub Setup and check out the Hub Streaming Guide if the problem persists.
  9. The GUID is a unique hash based on the CD-Key. You have the same CD-key and thus GUID.
  10. The OP mentioned something about several shots of his map, and I quote from the forum their on their website: Could be both black or cache issues, which is why they should just post the PBSS with the info blanked out, or explain in a little more detail what exactly is wrong with his SS.
  11. What is your GUID?
  12. You can ask him to show you a PBSS and just blank the sensitive information out. Again, this is something between you and them; PBB has no role in this, and nor does Evenbalance, really. I took the effort of registering with the forum to read the thread, but I'm not going to PM their admins on your behalf I'm afraid, and I doubt anyone else will. Anyway, back to the repeated SS issue; reinstall PB completely using this tool and make sure you are running the latest graphics drivers. They seem to be overreacting if you ask me. Edit: Also, I have no idea what he is basing his statement on. Manually updating PB will not fix this bug, and that is simply a fact. If manually updating would fix this, then Evenbalance would've replied with that to the ticket, no? If all of this fails to convince them, I suggest you contact Evenbalance directly by creating a ticket here; make sure to attach a PBSS of the issue. I strongly doubt they will be able to help you any further, though. Edit2: They also seem to be confusing PBBans & Evenbalance. Evenbalance is the company that makes the Punkbuster software. PBBans is a completely seperate 3rd party which is in no way officially related to Evenbalance or their Punkbuster software.
  13. I'm sorry, I should've been more clear in my post. With 'him' I don't mean Evenbalance, but the server admins that banned you; ask them exactly what they banned you for and if they could perhaps show you these PBSS. There isn't a lot of point occupying Evenbalance's time if there's nothing wrong; it sounds like the server admins simply drew their own (most likely faulty) conclusion on your PBSS. Again, to be able to say this with certainty, we'd have to see the screenshots :)
  14. This is PBBans, not Evenbalance. Evenbalance makes the Punkbuster software, not PBBans. I suggest you ask him exactly what was wrong with your PBSS because it's hard to give you advice if you don't exactly know what you are banned for. Either way, this is an issue between you and those server admins.
  15. I assume by 'bad screenshots' you mean black screenshots. These are caused by a wide variety of things and it cannot simply 'be fixed', it's a bug in the PBSS capturing system and there isn't much you can do about it.
  16. Good to see at least someone reads those threads. Glad to hear it's solved :)
  17. Reinstall PB using this tool here and then update it again using this tool here. Make sure your firewall/antivirus isn't blocking essential Punkbuster processes.
  18. Wait, did you just reply to your own post stating you support yourself? :blink:
  19. Nice. What was the problem in the end? Btw your other servers are not streaming according to your signature.
  20. Make sure Punkbuster is running on your server. I got that error once when Punkbuster was disabled.
  21. You sure all other servers are fine? The user your posting on isn't a Streaming Game Admin.
  22. http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/81810/...g-you-can-catch :D :D :D
  23. It's perfectly legal. Again, did you reinstall? This bug happens all the time, and reinstalling should fix it. Your going to have to ask the server owners yourself what they mean with 'dirty GUID', as we can only guess what they mean.
  24. Was this server streaming to PBB? He probably kept using a different GUID. If it is your server, I recommend adding the following line to your pbsv.cfg:
  25. Did you try reinstalling?
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