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Everything posted by Lucky_Fr4gg3r

  1. It means you filled in the wrong details. Keep in mind that your RCON password is not the same as your password for BF2CC.
  2. You can do so yourself in the team's account control panel. Remove the old server with the wrong IP and re-add the new one. Edit: Beaten :P
  3. PBBans is not the creator of Punkbuster software, Evenbalance is, so there really isn't anything PBB can do for you. What's your GUID? And are you sure your banned on all PB-enabled servers? The black-PBSS issue is a known issue that can have many many causes. All I can advise you is that you make sure you are running the latest available drivers for your card, found at NVIDIA's website.\ Either way, it isn't something that should be banned for, as 9/10 times it is innocent.
  4. You don't seem to be part of a streaming team account, are you sure your servers are streaming? You will receive appropriate access once you're part of an account that has servers streaming, you will have to ask whoever is in charge of your account to invite you into it by going to the ACCP. What's your server's IP? Also, I recommend looking at the hub streaming guide, especially the Hubflags. Perhaps you don't have 'Enforce bans' checked? PS. As far as the server-crashing goes, not much you can do I'm afraid (except give him a local ban). There's no way to prove for certain who did it; we will just have to wait for patch 1.5 and hope it fixes many of these problems.
  5. Isn't one necro enough for this thread? Make new threads rather then hijacking/reviving other ones ;) Try using the Automated Hub Setup or troubleshoot using the Hub streaming guide.
  6. XP/Vista are both fully supported, so something else must be causing this. Do you run anything on the background? Steam perhaps? I recommend you shut down everything running on the background, try again, and see if you still get kicked.
  7. Hi, First off, let me start by saying PBBans is in no way related to Evenbalance, the creators of the Punkbuster software. If he got banned, it means there is nothing else you need to do. If he got kicked, I'm afraid, since your server was not streaming to PBB, there is nothing you *can* do. PBBans accepts evidence from servers that stream their logs; the only type of screenshot that is admissable, are Punkbuster Screenshots, and even that needs to be backed up by streamed logs. Basically, there is no way at this point to get him on the banlist. You can however, set up your server(s) to stream with PBBans, that way any future violations, WILL result in the player being added to the PBB banlist. For more info on how to go about getting your servers streaming and what it means exactly: http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-starterguide.html http://www.pbbans.com/account_application.php http://www.pbbans.com/webtool.php http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-hubguide.html The streaming of logs is a fully-automated process, so you don't have to worry about it being too much effort ;) That's because you spelled research wrong ;) Anyway, no need to contact Evenbalance about this, as they are not in charge of PBBans, and they will only ban as they see fit; they do not accept 3rd party evidence like screenshots.
  8. They are automatically de-activated when your servers stop streaming; might want to check that first ;)
  9. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?s=&...st&p=218681 Normal users can't, an admin has to do it :)
  10. Evenbalance's punkbuster software is a finely tuned piece of software. Sure, like any software, it has it's flaws and doesn't always work as it is supposed to, but in most cases it does. If a violation was triggered, this is enough 'evidence' to be quite honest. You'd be better off looking into innocent causes that could've caused the violation for your member then ranting at EB, because it will not make a difference; they are doing exactly what they've been paid to do.
  11. You heard it Surfy and Ice Man...your regular users. :P Unlike Duality, Urgonnadie and me. We are 'speshul'.
  12. Welcome to the cool kids club, drinks are on the left :lol:
  13. I recommend taking a look at this, it explains everything ;) Not sure, actually. Haven't tried that before, but I'm sure someone else has.
  14. Same. Perhaps some sort of weird glitch? Try cleaning your browser's cache or using a different browser.
  15. After googling, I believe it's: set scr_game_spectatetype 1 0 = no spectating 1 = fixed spectating 2 = free spectating
  16. I just checked, and your server is streaming perfectly; may I recommend flagging the 'Enforce bans' option, though. Keep in mind that the |PBBHUB| messages you receive ingame, are bans being enforced (existing bans) and bans made on other servers; this is the ''Announce bans'' flag in your server manager. About RCON; I'm pretty sure it is a known problem with the Battlefield series that RCON doesn't give any responses. Personally, I've never had a single response from RCON on our BF2142 servers, neither using HLSW or 2142CC, yet (most) commands do get executed just fine.
  17. Ah, my apologies, you apparently don't have sufficient privileges to see that (yet). Check your PM ;)
  18. Empty will suffice, but if it has content it should work as well, doesn't matter. Just wanted to double-check. Edit: Am I correct in assuming you already have a team account and added the new server to your account control panel?
  19. At the bottom of the list, select a game and hit view.
  20. Is there an empty file called pbucon.use in your server's PB folder? If not, create an empty text file and save it as pbucon.use (with that extension). Perhaps (for some reason) the RCON commands didn't go through properly. Uploading only the pbsv.cfg (using FTP) to your server is not enough; pbucon.use needs to be present as well.
  21. Try using the automated hub setup.
  22. Have you heard back from EB a second time yet?
  23. Always remove the old one before adding the new one, or the logs get messed up on PBB's side I believe.
  24. Here here! :)
  25. There is no such thing as a gameserver GUID. A GUID is a unique hash based on your CD-key you installed the game with. Boot up your game and join a server Hit the tilde key ~ Type in: pb_myguid or /pb_myguid This is the (only) GUID you need for your application ;)
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