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mdgrunt last won the day on August 16 2010

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    Man Down
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    Call of Duty 4
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  1. The 18 player limit is a clue that the maps will be SMALL! Another console port over, they probably didnt even want to have dedi servers, but came up with this plan after the last mess.
  2. Normally it doesnt take more than a few hours at most. You have to understand that admins also have no access to site when it is under attack.
  3. There are asshats in every group. They were going to ignore the petition no matter what form it took because they are setting this all up to charge players a fee to play online. It will start with paying for more maps, and then probably on the next release it will cost a monthly fee to play on IWNET. They surely took into account that a group of pc players would get pissed, but they figure it will be made up on the other end. They have good reason to believe this as sales have shown people will buy anything. They raised the price to 60 bucks for a lesser product than the last MW, and people still lined up to buy it. If enough people buy into this setup, pc gaming as we know it will be a thing of the past.
  4. I was 8626, X $60.00= 517560 Nice job IW.
  5. TDM.... ewwwww. The person who invented TDM should be waterboarded without mercy.
  6. I dont think there is a way of doing it without running some sort of rcon program. I use Rconmax, and it has that feature. Manu-admin, or bigbrotherbot might also have that feature, but I dont know.
  7. mdgrunt


  8. You are correct, once you run the server from any mod folder you will only gain xp in that mod.
  9. Thats a per day average in a 30 day period, you might want to read those things a little closer. My real point was that there are thousands of admins who stream here who have looked at hundreds of thousands of screens, and are running configs that look for cheats you probably dont even know about. My guess is that we are all more informed on things than you could possibly be. As far a people going to websites, and posting things like that, when you have thousands of members, some are going to do things without thinking them through.
  10. No I'm not saying Ace is wrong, just giving my take on that shot. As far as people being called names, the admins here put up with all kinds of bs, and I see them show more patience with people than I probably would. As for the hack claiming its not detected by pb, you think they would have many customers if they said any different. There are over 30,000 bans for cod4 alone, I'm sure most of those people thought they were getting the same thing. The fact is that there are thousands of servers streaming here, and some clown who does'nt stream, and has a server with and average of 4.7 players a day does not even know what he doesnt know. :blink:
  11. A couple of things, one PBBANS is an anti-cheat site, they are not going to post links to show people how to cheat. Being someone who looks at close to 2000 pb screens everyday, that one would not even get a second look. He probably was running, and the gun is down out of sight. I see all kinds of wierd shots that are not cheats.
  12. Time/date stamp :lol:
  13. They are raising the price because they can, simple as that. They will sell millions of copies, and make lots of money, pretty much how the free market system works. I have, and still enjoy playing cod4 after almost 2 years, not bad for 45 bucks. If the game is decent, and you play for a year or more 60 bucks isnt that bad when you think about it. I bet some people spend more than that a week on lottery tickets, or whatever. Sign me up, Im a fool with 60 bucks waiting for something to spend it on. I will say they better at least finish the game before its released unlike the last cod. I wonder if they will take my waw cd as a trade in
  14. Shoot I have a clean copy I hardly used, you are more then welcome to have it for cheap money. PM me if your interested. The only issue is shipping from here to Canada, dont they have a duty or something?
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