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Everything posted by Mugen

  1. I thought I'd take a look at the demo as I'm just an SGA and been around CoD4 for quite sometime. They're is no way PBBans will lift that ban. The demo submitted for the accusation clearly shows no-recoil being used. You can mimic all the moves you like, but the proof is their in the submitted demo. The SAW has very little recoil anyway, but when a ne-reoil hack is implemented, it really shows up. The SAW is also the most often used gun with the no recoil hack, due to the lack of recoil given by said gun. . Sometimes the least likely people you know to hack, will resort to them. Especially the younger generations.
  2. PBBans is merely a 3rd party group that support Punkbuster games. Evenbalance will initiate a banwave when they feel they have sufficient data to do so. They will be logging these players so don't worry too much, just hang tight and move to another server. Plenty of servers with PBBans in the servername which are well looked after.
  3. IF he's worried about people getting the code, then he might want to start looking at RSP's that could be leaking the files out. Same shit excuses just a different day.
  4. Welcome back everyone.
  5. WOW. Though I'm not surprised tbh
  6. I wondered that after watching the previous video that you posted. Perhaps they have this All singing all dancing new in-house anti-cheat being developed, that will be 100% faultless* *Insert sarcasm where needed
  7. I doubt they'll do a new engine. Why bother, that costs more money. Using the Q3 engine is easy to work with and they can just copy and paste like always. New engine means they actually have to work on new code. Like that'll everhappen.
  8. I just wish they'd stop touching the weapons so often and fix things that actually need fixing/implementing. Like VOIP, Battlerecorder, a killcam that actually works and some server side hit detection wouldn't go amiss either. I enjoy playing the game, don't get me wrong, but it doesn't half bring out some rage in people.
  9. Mugen

    ArmA 3

    Does look extremely good.
  10. I'll buy it for the re-worked doom 1+2 tbh.
  11. That's a quick turnaround lol
  12. That's a PB thing. Have a look in the GA forums. It's explained a little better in there.
  13. their are some proper idiots in that topic.
  14. To be honest, are people susprised it's not optimised yet? It's Alpha builds. God know's how old this playable build is at Gamescom. The last Alpha build was dated 10-2-11 in one of the files I opened up. Beta will be a much more optimised build (I hope) and only then, will we really start to see what's what. Till then fanboi's will be fanbois haters will be haters.
  15. Surfy, we have our dedi with them and can't complain at all really. Apart from maybe the "special" guy on support. Talk to Justin and you'll be alright.
  16. Nothing by PBBans can be done to help you. You will have to raise a ticket with EvenBalance who own the anti-cheat programme, Punkbuster. Only they will be able to unban you. That said I doubt they will, as it's your GUID and you are responsible for it. Gather as much evidence to show your innocence and present it to Evenbalance using their support ticket which can be found here Mugen
  17. which doesn't work
  18. I think the time of having released server files, is well and truely behind us. We can only hope that Treyarch release the files, but I doubt it somehow if Activision have their way. After that it's gonna be a case of waiting to see what Respawn bring to the table. But as they are under the EA umbrella, I think we know what'll happen there.
  19. Squaids is on my mind today

  20. Merry christmas to everyone here at PBBans and a Happy new year :D
  21. Want it now. Annoying having to wait another 3 months for it.
  22. It's an awesome keyboard. I've not assigned anything to the "G" buttons and tbh, I'm not sure what I would assign to them if I was to do so.
  23. Mugen


    This was yesterday afternoon I was actually gaming on that yesterday too, with very few problems bar the odd spike and the server lagging slightly :lol: :lol: And today
  24. Welcome back guys, Nice to have everything back in order. :D
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