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Everything posted by Gutshot

  1. Yeah, I like the look of it. Fleshtones are a little flat, but that is nothing. Looks very good and modern, yet has a certain dire quality. I like the lighting also.
  2. The people I know who have PB problems are usually the ones with crappy internet. The problem is usually being kicked for lost packets. I personally have had next to 0 issues with PB. They provide a nice little update utility and it works nicely.
  3. Lol, well, hoping I get a little satisfaction from it anyway. After all, I paid for it already and there ain't no turning back on that.
  4. Maybe I'll get my $60 worth yet? If this turns out to be more than just a fart in the wind, I'll be a happy man. http://www.pcgamer.com/2011/06/28/crysis-2-map-making-tools-arriving-tomorrow-dx11-video-released/
  5. Very nice. You TWI guys are kind of like heroes to me nowadays. The coming winter should be great with HoS to keep me and my clan occupied with shooting each other in the face.
  6. Man, that is a sweet price. I will buy 2 and spread the love to someone less fortunate than I.
  7. Add to all these anticheat options the probability of a mostly adult player base, and you have the makings for a pretty solid, cheat-free gaming environment. Most of the younger crowd, with the exception of some of the more mature younger guys, will be off to MW3 land and leave us to actually enjoy a gaming night without so much hacking worries. This, in itself, is a breath of fresh air. More proof that the universe has an intelligent creator and that Darwin was off his rocker.
  8. My eyes are welling up with tears... Tears of joy that is. One of the things that bummed me out about this game before was the whole VAC thing. Game the FK on!!!!
  9. To be honest butt, I wouldn't even recommend this game for $5.00. The singleplayer is such a scripted snoozefest, I believe a person could literally die from boredom playing it. I really mean that. It sucks very, very badly. And yes, I stupidly bought it on day 1 for full price.
  10. Don't really understand people preordering any game, really. It's not like there will be a shortage on day one, so it's not first come first serve. Also, giving EA my cash 4 months early and them getting the benefit out of it without paying me any interest doesn't sit well with me.
  11. Now, if BF3 will be working with Punkbuster, it would be nice. And, if Punkbuster brings their service up to 2011 specs, it would be twice as nice........
  12. Voted yes. It's a decent shooter. Had fun with it for a year. Vehicles get to be aggravating on some maps after awhile. Dice supported it well for a year. Now it's over and they are pushing their BF3 thing. No map tools and no new maps ever again means "thanks for playing, now standby while we hype you up to spend another $60".
  13. Gutshot

    Dirt 3

    Very nice. Love Dirt 2. This game, combined with iracing.com and RO2: HoS, should help me forget that BF and COD ever existed. It's a good place to be.
  14. Very nice. Looks good on my desktop. Thanks Bud.
  15. I believe BF3 will be fun enough to play. No doubt there will be issues, but they kept the patches coming for BC2, so I'm not too worried about that. I do think that it won't be any more PC-centric, feature wise at least, than BC2 is. I don't hold my breath anymore for the AAA titles. The hype machines keep grinding out the "ZOMG's", but the games are generally pretty flaccid. I'm sure I'll buy it and spend at least a year having some good times and lot's of rage quits with it. I will say this. If Dice was smart, they would release another map pack for BC2, just to keep people into the BF name until BF3 releases. But, what do I know?
  16. The new theme is very nice dude!
  17. Uninstalled. Too many other options on the horizon for games. No need for aggravation and screwing around with another turd. We know where this game is headed already. They have taken another PC game and turned it into an Xbox game. Period. They can say all they want about the "PC features", but the proof isn't there. It's the same old EA stuff and another MoH in the making. None for me, thanks.
  18. I can't even try it. "MyCrysis" website is not letting me register. Must be overload. Why the F*K wouldn't you make sure your site can handle the increased traffic when you release something like this? It's not like Crytek is some low budget indie studio. Anyway, if aim assist is in the game, I'm not even interested. Speaking of indie games, I'll keep waiting for a new one from one of them. Let EA and Craptivision have the customers they obviously seek to please.
  19. You've got to be kidding me. Was that a joke post? ROFL
  20. Three total conversion mods that are being developed for RO2 right now, before the regular game even releases. These will be put out there in intervals. They should keep this game interesting for a long time to come. Plus, with mod tools out of the box, there will be tons of custom content out there. TWI has also stated that they will be releasing a crap-ton of DLC for it also. Sounds like a winner. Oh yeah, server files will be totally accessible. http://www.ironeuropegame.com/news.php http://www.incountrymod.com/ http://www.risingstormgame.com/
  21. Yup, I agree. But, it isn't so much about hurting EA, it's about spending my cash on something that will satisfy me. I think the indie companies will benefit from such a choice. The small PC devs are popping up all over the place these days. Granted, some of the indie games aren't that good, but, every once in awhile, you strike gold. It is the gold that I seek.
  22. Even though I won't preorder it, I am planning on buying this one. Currently it is priced at $49 US. Even if it turns out to be a turd, it would still have to be better than the $60 MoH, lol.
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