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Everything posted by Gutshot

  1. And don't forget everybody! Custom freaking face paint! And you can put little decals on your weapon! Ohhhhhh booooooy!!!! What a shat offering from Craptivision.
  2. +1 Dammit, I loved Crysis. These companies have to keep ruining good stuff.
  3. I didn't buy it yet. Figured I'd give it a couple of weeks before price drops to around $30 US. Seriously though, is it the same game as beta2? Or did they do some fixing? Curious.
  4. I hear ya. Don't give up just yet though. I'm just biding my time with these blockbuster games until HoS comes out. I have high hopes for it. It will be a 100% PC game and I guess the mod tools are released to some already, from what I read. Heard of all kinds of mods, everything from the American Civil War to modern times. Too many features to list also. Plus, I'm thinking, because it's a very strategic WWII based game, it will attract a mostly adult playerbase. I can't give up my hobby yet. Times are only changing for the big names in games. Time for PC gamers to look at some other options. Everybody needs to look past the hype of the blockbusters first though. Otherwise, your prediction will come true and my high-end gaming rig will be nothing but a web surfer.
  5. Yeah, it's growing on me now. Gonna add it to my clan's roster of games and add a server for it. We will have some fun with it, no doubt. And yes, PB/PBBans support is what made my decision final. +1 to you Sir.
  6. Oops, yeah forgot about Valve. I love Valve too. (Just not Valve anti cheat, lol) I would love them more if they would release HL2 Episode 3. Damn cliffhanger in Ep2.
  7. I don't like the paid DLC, but it's the way of things if a person wants to play the blockbuster games. I didn't buy MW2, but I know some who did. The map pack in that was released for it was pathetic with recycled COD4 maps in it. That kind of thing is just lazy and crappy. I do think that COD WaW had the most bang for the buck with all the map packs they released free of charge for PC. Dice, on the other hand has what I would consider an expansion pack with the Vietnam game for BC2. I don't mind as much paying for something that expands the game and gives it something a little different, even if it's only a skin. As long as it's only about $15 US or so. Many past games had that. Only 4 maps for it sucks pretty bad though. The big companies don't want the modders touching their games anymore. I believe they don't want the game to last much beyond a year. One game a year, in a series, is ideal for them. I know Treyarch said "mod tools confirmed" in B.O, but I'm willing to bet that they will be watered down, politically correct, disappointing mod tools that the hardcore modders will laugh at, if they actually release them at all. It's time to give a serious look at some of the developers like Tripwire, who are still releasing PC only games that have the old features that we have come to expect. They don't seem to be as exciting to people as the blockbusters, but that's only because they don't have the slick advertising that EA or Activision has. My clan and I are going to give Heroes of Stalingrad a serious try. Many mods will be available for it. If we like it, it'll be bye bye to the blockbuster games for us. At least until Tripwire becomes as large and impersonal as the other biggies. My 2 cents worth.
  8. Yeah, sorry to see you go man. Your service was awesome and you are a cool guy. I wish you good luck and Godspeed. If I ever get to Kingsford, let's have a beer or 2. Hopefully the new company will come close to the service you provided. Have a good one man!
  9. Yeah, I'll go right out and rent a server for this one! http://www.blackmonkeys.de/?p=4077
  10. I heard somewhere that the CEO of Tripwire was talking about having 2 different anticheats in HoS. Whatever that means. So many features.I would think that a game like this wouldn't attract the little kiddies, so maybe hackers won't be as rampant in it. Should have a mostly adult player base.
  11. A guy named Kucd posted this on Bash forum. It's long, but is worth reading. If this is all correct, then PC gaming is not as doomed as everyone thinks. This is a 100% PC game. And will be completely moddable from what I understand. Now, if only it'll have PB, it would be perfect. Taken from here: http://forums.tripwireinteractive.com/s ... hp?t=34141 * Official Media Official PAX10 Never Surrender Trailer: http://www.gametrailers.com/video/pa...chestra/703872 * General Information Release Date: 2011 Leading Eastern and Central European publisher 1C Company and Tripwire Interactive are excited to announce the sequel to Red Orchestra, the leading realism-based multiplayer WWII shooter on the PC. Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad will take the award winning Red Orchestra franchise into the next generation of gaming. Cutting edge graphics and audio built using the Unreal Engine 3, inventive features and streamlined realism will deliver an unrivalled WWII experience. Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad will focus on the Battle of Stalingrad and the surrounding operations, both German and Russian, from July 1942 to February 1943. The game allows the player to experience one of the most brutal battles in all of human history. The game consists out of two campaigns
  12. I hear ya. Good points. It is all about the fun. It has now become a matter of personal taste in the blockbuster titles, when you get down to it. They all are less than what they used to be, feature wise. My friends and I have gotten used to the Dice gameplay and now COD no longer delivers the fun we used to have with it. Who knows, VAC may surprise everybody in this title. Treyarch may support the game nicely, like they did with WaW. They made some nice map packs for that one. At least Treyarch doesn't seem bent on forcing PC gamers to have a "console experience" like IW did with MW2. They at least have thrown PC gamers a few bones. So, it comes down to what people want in a game. Myself and my clan buds, are looking to MoH and the BC2 Vietnam expansion, along with Crysis 2 to feed our addiction. Others will love the COD series forever and that's cool too. I'm sure it won't disappoint it's fans.
  13. Yah, she doesn't mind me going hunting or something like that, as long as I'm not TOO into it, lol. I told her that her efforts to get me to back off on my gaming hobby is an "epic fail". Now scoot into the kitchen and make me a sandwich! Result? Testicle lock box.
  14. My Wife will hang me if I get another server, with 2 BC2 servers already, but my fellow clanmate and best bud will be ordering one from you Live. We are slowly weeding out all things COD and are gonna give MoH a spin. MoHAA was the game we were founded on, so it's only fitting, if it's going to be decent. Might really surprise us and kick maximum ***.
  15. Welp, the only real gripe I had about it was that it was boring as #$@& to play in the beta. The weapons were lifeless and the sound quality sucked. Looks like at least my gripes may be fixed according to the list. If it has PB and PBBans supports it, I will buy it I think. Oh, and need some GSP choices, lol. Although, Live is guaranteed my business anyway. Let's see what happens between now and Oct. I really want to see this game succeed, not fail.
  16. Right from MoH website, from Matt Pruitt.... Hope? Could be. We've made a number of changes to the final version of Medal of Honor thanks to your feedback delivered from the Medal of Honor beta. Improved and fixed hit detection code - Improved soldier hit box - Decreased interpolation time Various Fixes - Toggle crouch is functional - Added weapon pickup feature - Spawn points tweaked - Spawn system features added to fix exploits - Level collisions fixed - Level exploits fixed - Level and environment specific shaders for characters and weapons - Improved lightning and effects on all levels - Tweaked combat areas to prevent base raping - Unlock tree expanded with F2000, G3A4 and P90 PDW forh both teams - Tactical Support Actions score tweaked - Increased zoom in speed for sniper rifles - Fixed the delay after firing a bolt action sniper rifle - Improved ragdolls - Character visibility tweaked - 3P muzzle flashes size decreased on all weapons - Getting hit effects tweaked - Crashes fixed when using Scoreboard, support actions and connectivity issues - M3A3 tank engine improved - M3A3 armor increased - M3A3 damage increased - C4 disappear faster after the played died - C4 can be exploded by hand grenades or rockets but not by bullets - UAV mesh visible for both teams - UAV health tweaked Improved control input mapping - Major text overhauls - Major graphical overhauls in the menu and HUD - Tweaked point system HUD effects - Tweaked support action HUD effects - In-game HUD polished - Kill messages fixed - Options and screen align fixed - Added the option to
  17. I don't think I'll play any game that has some heathen anticheat like VAC. I am sticking to what works. If it doesn't have Punkbuster, it's a no go. If PBBans doesn't support streaming of it, it's a no sale. If Punkbuster ever goes out of business (God forbid), I'll go back to playing singleplayer games only. The rage I feel when playing with cheaters is mouse crushing.
  18. Yeah, it's not for everybody. Some love it, some hate it. I learned to like it. I uninstalled it 2 times, then reinstalled. I couldn't make up my mind. Now I have my clan buds addicted to it. It's not a bad game overall in my humble opinion. Avatar movement is clunky, but I would be clunky in real life if I had full battle gear on, along with extra ammo, grenades, combat boots, etc....
  19. Good. Punkbuster is good stuff. That alone might cause me to buy MoH. Like I said in another thread, I ran a server with VAC. Even streamed it to SteamBans. It was the worst piece of trash anticheat ever conceived by mankind, in the history of mankind, and will be well into the future. There isn't enough evil words or curses in the English language to describe it's garbage-ness.
  20. Not a big BC2 fan I take it? I hear ya, I hated it at first, then it grew on me. I built a Hi-Po rig recently, now it's much better.
  21. And a +1 to you for agreeing with me on BO being a lame offfering. To much hype for a reskinned MW2. Or, actually, a reskinned COD4. They can stick their monopoly tactics also. And their little promises with a catch. My $60 will go toward something more worthy. That's 3 months of rental fees for 1 of my BC2 servers from Low Ping.
  22. I've been wrong before. Could be. What do I know anyway? I have no reputation here, lol. A "0"
  23. Forever. Remember with MW2, everybody saying "we'll see how long they don't have dedicated servers, it will never last". It lasted. They can keep their DX9 ancient game.
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